Manage players

Use this page to register players, delete registrations and change the details of a registration.

It shows the players registered for one club, and also the Provisonal players. Use the Select Club box to change the club being displayed. If you have logged in with a club user name, this box is disabled and you can only see your own club’s players.

The left-hand list shows the Provisional players. These are generally the players registered in the previous season. The idea is to avoid having to re-type players’ names each year. Players can be moved from the provisional list to the registered list and back again.

Register a player from the provisional list
Click on one or more players in the left-hand list, so that the boxes next to their names are ticked. Then click on the Register button at the bottom of the list.
Register all (or nearly all) players from the provisional list
Click Select all at the bottom of the list, so that the boxes next to their names are ticked. If necessary, click on the players you don’t want, to clear the ticks. Then click on the Register button at the bottom of the list.
Register a new player
Click on the New player button below the registered players list. A sub-window opens where you enter the player’s details.
Move players back to the provisional list
Use the same methods to select players in the registered list and move them to the provisional list. Players that have played in a match cannot be made provisional.
Delete a player’s registration
Players can be deleted from either list by selecting them and clicking on the Delete button at the bottom. Registered players cannot be deleted if they have played in a match.
Edit a player
The Edit button at the bottom of the registered list works when one player is selected. A sub-window opens where you can change the player’s name, date of registration, and card number(s).
In some leagues, players are allocated to teams (and may be “starred” for a team). When this applies these details can also be changed.
The date of registration is important in leagues that require players to be registered some days before they play.
The Cheshire card number is only relevant for leagues affiliated to Cheshire CBA. Leagues in other counties can ignore this.
Merge two players
If you find you have a player registered under two variants of his or her name, you need to merge these two players. Edit the one with the incorrect name, and set the name to the correct form. The incorrect name will be deleted and their games added to the record of the correct player.
This cannot be done if the two players have ever both appeared in the same match or in the same competition.