Blackburn Ladies Monday Afternoon Bowling League

Ladies Monday Afternoon Bowling League Rules 2025

All games to be played under British Crown Green Rules. Each game being 21 up.

The minimum age for players to be eligible is 50 years.

Any lady who is a registered member of Blackburn Parks Veterans League is permitted to play in the Ladies Afternoon Bowling League, provided that they are a bona-fide full member of the club they are representing in the Ladies Afternoon Bowling League. Players can be registered on the day by contacting the players registration secretary via phone or email.

Each club shall pay a registration fee of £30 per team.

A team shall consist of six players.

All matches shall commence at 1.00pm with scratch time at 1.30pm. A roll up is permitted prior to the start of the match .Home team roll up is 12-30 – 12-45 Away team 12-45 – 1-00 the captain of each team is allowed 15mins anytime. If a team is short of players and a team cannot put two players in the hat the game will be forfeited.

Opponents will be paired up prior to the start of the match by the turning of cards. In the event of a team having only five players available a minimum of two cards to be put into the draw to play a second game by the turning of cards. Should there only be four players available the opposition will be awarded 21-0 for that game.

Each team shall provide one person to measure and a Marker a Lady or a Man

The home team shall provide tea and biscuits free of charge for player and supporters.

In the case of inclement weather the team captains or green keeper shall determine if the bowling green is fit to play. Three or four jacks to start the game at the home captain’s discretion.

There is no limit to when a rearranged game has to be played apart from it must be played before the end of the season. that is before the presentation doubles

All match results must be put on the website following the match.

All handicaps rescinded at 2013 AGM.

Teams can be captained by a lady or man.

All the foregoing rules may be subject to revision at an Annual General Meeting by a simple majority vote.

Any amendments or additions to these rules, or changes to the league, must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least three weeks before the Annual General Meeting.