Minutes of Annual General Meeting, 1997
24 January 1997, 8.00pm
Held at Cheadle Conservative Club
Present President, Chairman, Secretary, Veterans’ secretary, Treasurer and delegates
Apologies – none
Absences National Oilwells
- The chairman asked delegates to stand for a few moments in memory of deceased colleagues.
- Roll-call – see above.
- The minutes of the previous AGM were read and approved.
- Correspondence – routine correspondence was reported, mainly relating to liaising with other leagues over fixtures.
- Secretary’s report. The secretary issued a calendar of key dates for the new season, and fixture lists. He issued a green rota to those clubs whose greens would be required, and asked club secretaries to check these and report any problems.
- Veteran’s secretary’s report. Start times: the consensus was not to change the start time for league matches, but to start Merit qualifying at 1.30pm. The Merit final would be at the Grange, although it was suggested it should be on a neutral green, when the qualifiers were known. This could prove impracticable. It was also suggested the competition could be a handicap, but the secretary pointed out it was supposed to be a merit. This year, entries were down due to clashes with the Waterloo – this to be looked at next year.
The problem of clashes with the Vernon had been considered, and clubs were offered an alternative date for the offending matches.
There would be one club relegated and three promoted in most cases to allow for resignations and new clubs.
- Treasurer’s report The treasurer reviewed the balance sheet, and reported a surplus of £80.He thanked especially Mike Broome of Dean Print, assistance with printing at a very reasonable price, and Jack Barrett of the Bungalow, assistance with the Presentation Night.
The auditor (E. Price) was in hospital, so the treasurer had asked T. Forsyth (a chartered accountant) to audit the accounts.
The accounts were accepted – proposed Heaton Moor, seconded Robinsons.
- Confirmation or Rule changes.
- Main rules, Rule 2
Delete “except where a club has two teams in the same division.”
Proposed by Albert Club
Carried: For 32, against 12.
- Main rules, Rule 19
Amend rule to read:
19 All Matches shall be played as arranged in fixtures. The following exceptions are allowed.
(i) If agreement has been reached between Clubs for rearrangement of a Match, the Match Secretary must be informed in writing along with an agreed rearranged date for the match to be played. The new date shall not be later than the last date for scheduled matches.
(ii) If a match is postponed owing to bad weather, the two Clubs shall agree a new date and inform the Match Secretary within 14 days. The new date shall be before the last date for scheduled matches (or within 14 days of the original date for matches postponed in the last two weeks of the season). Failure to reach an amicable agreement by the two Clubs concerned must be reported to the League Secretary immediately.
Failure to observe the above rule will render the defaulting Club(s) to a fine of £2.00. Such instances to be referred to the management Sub-Committee for ratification.
Proposed by Albert Club
Carried, For 30, against 20.
- Election of Officers
Messrs M.Broome, D. Walker and A. Bligh were elected vice-presidents, in addition to Mr W. Walters.
On the management sub-committee, M. Butterley replaced H. Armstrong, who had resigned as Benchill Cons secretary. All other positions were unchanged, and are as follows:
- President S.E. Warburton Vets’ secretary L. Shinner
- Chairman DJ McKnight Vets’ results secretary G. Hall
- Secretary ER Kavanagh (also Match Sec)
- Treasurer J Forrest
- Management sub-committee :– Messrs C. Houghton, RA. Wright, MG. Butterley, J. Ruddock, B. Marsden, J. Lloyd, L. Myatt, R. Edy, J. Hammond, J. Barratt.
- Honorariums
The following honorariums were agreed.
- Treasurer £140
- Secretary £90
- Match secretary £90 (same person as secretary)
- Vets’ secretary £90
- Vets’ results secretary £90
The meeting closed at 9.20pm.