Cheadle & Gatley District Bowling League

Minutes of Half-yearly General Meeting, 1997

11 November 1997, 8.00pm

Held at Cheadle Conservative Club

Present: President, Chairman, Secretary, Veterans’ secretaries and delegates

Apologies: were received from the Treasurer, Mr J Forrest, and from Cross Keys.

Absences: Cheadle Park, Cringlewood, PCS, Poynton WMC, Wembley

The chairman asked members to stand for a few moments in memory of colleagues who had passed away. These included Chris McDermott of Cheadle Cons and Harry Armstrong of Benchill Cons.
Roll-call – see above.
The minutes of the previous half-yearly meeting were read and approved.
Correspondence. Amongst routine matters, and letters about disputed matches (see meeting of 17 Sept), the secretary mentioned a letter from Mrs Newlan expressing thanks for the welcome and flowers at the Bob Newlan Trophy final day.
Secretary’s report – see overleaf.
Veterans’ secretary’s report – two applications to join the league had been received:– Greenbank B.C. and Great Moor Cons C. The latter would play at 11am, so each other team would have one morning away match.
The merit was won by Bert Bamford of Great Moor. Thanks to Grange for running the final day. There was some confusion because the 1.30 start for qualifying was not printed in the handbook. There had been complaints that the qualifying round went on too long. Maybe should be spread over two days. Should there be a replica for the merit winner?
The Jennison was won by Great Moor. The final was a bit late in the year, and the schedule would be re-jigged for next year.
Treasurer’s report. The President reported on the Treasurer’s behalf that the accounts were in good shape and he proposed no change to the fees for next year.
Rule changes
“19(i) If agreement has been reached between Clubs for rearrangement of a Match, the Match Secretary must be informed in writing with an agreed rearranged date for the match to be played. The new date shall not be later than two weeks after the last date for scheduled evening league matches.”
Proposed by the Secretary
Passed nem con.
“19... Failure to observe the above rule will render the defaulting Club(s) liable to a fine of £10.00 and deduction of the points scored. Such instances to be referred to the Management Sub-Committee for ratification.”
Proposed by the Secretary.
Heald Green proposed an amendment to the effect that the penalty should only apply to the matches in breach of the rule.
The amended proposal was passed nem con.
“2a Where a Club has more than one team no player can play for more than one team on the same day. Where match dates are rearranged, players who played for another team on the original date are not eligible.
Proposed by the Secretary.
Passed with 3 against.
Other business The new teams in the veterans’ league would be accommodated by having 3 divisions of 10 and two of 12.

The meeting closed at 8.50pm.

Secretary’s report, 11 November 1997

You should all have received an information sheet in the post. These show the information currently recorded. Please check this and amend it as necessary. Thanks to those who have already returned their sheets. Please return the rest to me tonight, or by post before the end of the year.

Match secretary’s report, 11 November 1997

You will remember that there were several disputed results at the end of last season. The management sub-committee met on 17 September to discuss these. You have had a summary of the conclusions, and the provisional league tables are now final. The two proposals I have made for rule changes are the result of the discussions in the sub-committee; the general view was that the rules were ambiguous or not strong enough. Discussion was especially intense about the Bungalow v Cringlewood match. Like the other cases, the issues are not black and white and there is no simple “right answer.” I would like report that Heald Green, who had the misfortune to end up on the losing side in several of these disputes, acted throughout with dignity and courtesy.

Philips continues their excellent run, winning Division B and also the Bob Newlan Trophy for a second year. Longsight Cricket also continued their upward progress, and another new team, PCS, won Division E.

Heaton Mersey Conservative withdrew their second team at the last minute at the start of the season. They now wish to re-enter this team. Cheadle Sports had a difficult year, with their club closing. For next year, they have merged with Cross Keys and will play as Cross Keys B. Poynton WMC have withdrawn their evening team. This means that we currently have a vacancy, so if any clubs want to enter a second team, or anyone knows of any clubs thinking of joining the league, please step forward. We start preparing the fixtures at the end of the year.

I am pleased that once again Alan Bligh has agreed to help sort out our fixtures. The AGM will be on Tuesday 27 January, here at Cheadle Conservative Club. You will get the notifications as usual.

Finally, you may be interested to know that the league now has a web site: