26 January 1999, 8.00pm
Held at Cheadle Conservative Club
Present: President, Chairman, Secretary, Veterans’ Secretary, Treasurer and delegates
Absences: Albert, Benchill Conservative
The Chairman asked delegates to stand for few moments in silence in memory of colleagues who had passed away in the last year.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous annual general meeting were read and approved.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary reported that we started last season with 47 teams, but Albert withdrew their second team early on so that we finished with 46 teams. Since the end of last season, another four teams have withdrawn. They are:
Farmers Arms
Bramhall Queensgate B
South Manchester British Legion B
This leaves 42 teams for this year. This is not enough to run five divisions. He believed that nine was the absolute minimum number of teams in a division. This gives 16 matches and two open dates over 18 weeks. Ten is the ideal number, giving 18 matches in 18 weeks. He did not want to offer a season of less than 16 matches.
He had thought about having a smaller fifth division with everyone playing everyone else three times (once on a neutral green). This was not popular when the Stockport Parks tried it recently.
So, he was driven towards a four division set-up. Of course the snag is that we have too many teams for that, so there will have to be 11 teams in some division.
The snag was that 11 teams means a 22 week season (with 20 matches and two open dates). At the start and of the season light will be a major problem where there are no floodlights. The league composition circulated at the meeting had two divisions of ten and two of eleven. It started from last year’s results and applied a relegation and promotion of two teams between each division. Then it redrew the division boundaries for the new composition. The result would disappoint some, but so would any other way of doing it.
Other information distributed included:
Veterans’ fixtures
Calendar for the coming year
Green rota for those clubs whose green will be needed for cup, merit or Callison competitions.
The diary showed the Callison Cup Final day on Saturday 26 June. However, the Heald Green and Waggon & Horses clubs were planning a commemoration on that day for Neville Holt, who died during the year. These clubs contribute many entries and their members would be encouraged not to enter this year. The secretary therefore suggested that the final be on a Sunday (27 June) for this year only.
The meeting agreed to follow the Secretary’s proposals for the league composition in 1999. The meeting also agreed to switch the Callison Cup Final to Sunday for this year. Heald Green and Waggon & Horses expressed their appreciation for this decision.
Veterans’ Secretary’s Report: Mr Shinner sought and received the meeting’s approval for Great Moor Conservative C to again play their home matches at 11 am.
There were now 57 teams in the League, which would be organised in three divisions of 11 and two of 12. The Veterans’ Secretary welcomed the two new teams: Royal Oak and Hazel Grove.
The Merit this year would be less hectic this year, with a month between qualifying and the final. The prizes were not huge, so perhaps the entry fee should be increased.
Heald Green proposed an increase to £2. Silverwings proposed retaining £1. there were 7 votes for £1 and many for £2.
Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer summarised the accounts. Club fees were down because of the reduction of £2 agreed last year. Two clubs still owed their dues. Merit and Callison entries were down, affecting income and expenditure.
The Presentation Night had made a surplus of £315. One club (Silverwings) had ordered many tickets, but returned 20 of them. The treasurer could not resell these in the time available, and the club had paid for them. He now proposed to refund half of this (£40). Marple Park and Wembley, who had been unable to get the tickets they wanted, objected to this proposal. Silverwings apologised to other clubs for the inconvenience, which was due to the inexperience of a new secretary. Other clubs suggested that in future applications for tickets should open at the September meeting, and be accompanied by payment in advance.
Marple Park proposed that the refund be not paid. Ryecroft proposed that it be paid. The meeting voted 25 not to refund and 21 to refund.
Mr Forrest noted the economical cost of printing handbooks and thanked Mike Broom of Deanprint. He reported a surplus for the year of £2 and a balance at year end of £4634.
Auditor’s report: The auditor had nothing further to add.
The Chairman thanked Mr Forrest and his wife, also Mr and Mrs Warburton for their work in running the Presentation Night. The accounts were approved.
Ratification of Rule Changes:
Amend Veterans’ League Rule 7 to read as follows:
“7 (i) Matches will be played as per approved fixture list, normally on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons commencing 2:00 pm. A different day or time for a particular team may be authorised at the preceding AGM. If by prior arrangement the match cannot be played on the original afternoon, then it must be rearranged within 14 days if the original date. All matches must be played prior to the date of the last game of the season. Failure to agree by the two clubs concerned must be notified to the Match Secretary immediately.
“7 (ii) Teams will consist of eight players, visitors to have first delivery of the jack. Match rules for the start and progression of the Game will apply. The Home Team will be responsible for submitting the result sheet to the Match Secretary within 3 days, duly completed and signed by both captains.”
Proposed by the Veterans Secretary
Passed with no votes against
Amend Veterans’ League Rule 7 to read as follows:
“7 (i) Matches will be on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons commencing 2:00 pm as per approved fixture list. If by prior arrangement the match cannot be played on the original afternoon, then it must be rearranged within 14 days if the original date. All matches must be played prior to the date of the last game of the season. In matches played too late both teams may be penalised 24 points. Failure to agree by the two clubs concerned must be notified to the Match Secretary immediately.
“7 (ii) Teams will consist of eight players, visitors to have first delivery of the jack. Match rules for the start and progression of the Game will apply. The Home Team will be responsible for submitting the result sheet to the Match Secretary within 3 days, duly completed and signed by both captains.”
Proposed by Great Moor Conservative Club
Passed with no votes against
Election of Officers: The Chairman announced that our President, Stuart Warburton, had announced his wish to stand down. Mr McKnight thanked Mr Warburton for his contribution to the league, and especially for his work in getting advertisements in the handbook.
Mr Warburton said that he had been President for some six years, and it was time to give someone else a turn. He paid special tribute to Messrs Kavanagh, Forrest and Broom.
Mr McKnight proposed and the meeting accepted that Mr Warburton be elected a Vice-president.
Mr Dave Walker had agreed to stand as President, and the Chairman welcomed him. All other officers were re-elected en bloc, as follows.
Chairman | Mr DJ McKnight | ||
Secretary and Match Secretary | Mr ER Kavanagh | ||
Treasurer | Mr J Forrest | ||
Veterans’ Secretary | Mr L Shinner | ||
Veterans’ Results Secretary | Mr H Hall | ||
Management Committee | Mr C Houghton | Mr RA Wright | Mr B Marsden |
Mr MG Butterley | Mr J Lloyd | Mr L Myatt | |
Mr J Hammond | Mr R Edy | Mr J Barratt |
Honorariums: The meeting approved increase of 20% for the secretary and 10% for the other officers. The new honorariums were as follows.
Treasurer £165
Secretary £230
Veterans’ Secretary £110
Veterans’ Results Secretary £110
Other Business: A suggestion was made that entry form for the Callison Cup and Merits be included in the handbook. This would allow club members to enter direct (but with payment in advance).
The meeting closed at 9.15pm.