18 January 2000, 8.00pm
Held at Cheadle Conservative Club
The Chairman asked delegates to stand for few moments in silence in memory of colleagues who had passed away in the last year.
Present: Secretary, Veterans’ Secretary, Treasurer and delegates
Apologies: The president, Mr D Walker; the chairman, Mr D McKnight; Mr A Bligh, Greenbank and Ladybarn.
The minutes of the previous annual general meeting were read and approved
The secretary presented the fixtures. There were 41 teams in four divisions, so Division D would have 22 matches. Co-operation would be needed to complete the fixtures at the start and end of the season. The diary for the season and the green rota were also issued. It was important that clubs check the rota. Changes were easy to manage if requested in good time, but very difficult on the eve of an event.
The Veterans’ secretary described the league structure for the new season. One team had resigned and another had joined. The date of the Vernon final would be kept clear of league matches.
There had been thoughts about changing the qualification rule for the Jennison Shield to allow players who were active the previous year to qualify. This would require a formal rule change, so the status quo would apply for this year.
The meeting approved the proposal for Great Moor Conservative C to play their home games at 11am.
The treasurer summarised the accounts. Only one club (Wembley) had not paid its dues. Several tickets for the presentation evening had been returned at the last minute and could not be resold. The evening had resulted in a deficit of £8.
Once again Deanprint had provided the handbooks and presentation night tickets at very favourable rates. He thanked Mike Broome.
The auditor had nothing further to add.
All the existing officers were re-elected with the exception of Mr B Marsden on the management committee. The officers were therefore as follows.
President: D Walker
Chairman: DJ McKnight
Hon Secretary and Match/Results Secretary (evenings): ER Kavanagh
Hon Treasurer: J Forrest
Hon Results Secretary (Vets): G Hall
Management sub-committee: C Houghton, RA Wright, J Barratt, MG Butterley, J Lloyd, L Myatt, J Hammond, R Edy
The meeting approved a general increase of 5% in the honorariums. The new honorariums were as follows.
Treasurer £175
Secretary £240
Veterans’ secretary £115
Veterans’ match secretary £115
The treasurer confirmed that the fees would be increased by £2 per team for the year (£1 for veterans) as announced at the half-yearly meeting. This was to fund the replacement of trophies. The need for a balance of over £4000 was questioned. The treasurer explained that there were outgoings at the start of the season.
It was suggested that the Klondyke club might be a better venue for the meeting. It did at least have better car parking facilities. In any case, a PA system would be useful.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.15pm.