29 January 2007, 7.30pm
Held at Cheadle Conservative Club
The President asked delegates to stand for few moments in silence in memory of colleagues who had passed away in the last year. These included George Aspinall of Crowcroft Park, Jack Burrows and Roy Etchells, formerly of Gatley Rec and other clubs, David Taylor, Kevin Heydon, Alan Trow, Alf Morris and John Carrol of South Manchester BL, Ken Brown of Marple Park, and Jim Edwards and Derek Vance of the Grange.
Present: President, Secretary, Treasurer Vets’ Match Secretary and delegates
Apologies: Mr D McKnight (Chairman)
Absences: Edgeley Cons, Northern Etchells, Woodley Sports
The minutes of the previous annual general meeting had been circulated. The minutes were taken as read and approved.
Evening League
Proposed composition
Bungalow and Cringlewood have both withdrawn their B teams (Cringlewood have instead entered a team in the Altrincham and South Manchester League). This means we have 30 teams, which logically should be in three divisions of ten. You have my proposal. It involves two-up and two down except from Division B to A. Someone had to be disappointed here. Cheadle Heat finished second in Division B and would normally have gone up. However they’ve had some upheavals and I understand they’re not too worried about staying in the second division.
Proposed programme
Ten teams means a league programme of 18 weeks, which avoids major light problems at the beginning and end. We also have to fit in with the Stockport & District league. We will have one week without league matches, making the season 19 weeks long.
Robinsons will be playing at the Crown Hotel this year.
Newlan - R1 on Tuesday
We will play round 1 of the Newlan on a Tuesday evening - 15 May. Subsequent rounds are on Sundays as before, avoiding the dates used by the S&D for their knock-out. The final is on 22 July.
Merit - Wednesday/Saturday qualifying
I have put dates for the Merit on the calendar, more in hope than expectation. We had 24 entries last year which didn’t justify running the event.
Vets’ League
Number of teams
We have two new teams this year – B teams from the Crown and South Reddish.
Proposed composition
There was a lot of discussion in November about which divisions new teams should start in. As it happens, the new teams this year are second teams of existing clubs, so are probably not far from their true position in the sixth division.
We now have 64 teams. The previous policy has been to fill the divisions from the top, so that means four divisions of 11 and two of 10.
Division 4 had only ten teams last year, thanks to last minute resignations, so we need a bit of juggling. You have my proposal. Basically it’s two up and two down, except that three are promoted from divisions 5 and 6.
Cheadle Park are returning to their own green but will again be playing on Tuesdays this year.
Organisation of Merit and P.C.S. Cup R1
The team knockout which was formerly the Jennison Shield is now the P.C.S. Cup.
It will be run like last year, with the first round spread over two dates. However the semi-finals and final will be on successive days.
Because of all the Tuesday league matches, there are some league matches scheduled for the same days as later P.C.S. Cup rounds. These will have to be rearranged if necessary.
Green Rotas
You have lists in your handouts of when we need greens this year. This again includes the vets teams. Please make sure your green is available as needed, complete with jacks and long tape. If you have any problems please let me know in good time and I’ll find an alternative. There were too many occasions last year when teams turned up to find greens closed and deserted. Let’s try to avoid that this year.
Next Meeting
The next meeting is on Monday 26 March, here at 7.30. It’s a short but important meeting, when you will get the handbooks and other paperwork for the season.
Great Moor Cons ‘C’ Home matches
These have previously been played at 11am. In view of the change to the start time of afternoon matches, Great Moor proposed that the morning matches be started at 10.30am. The meeting approved this proposal.
The treasurer summarised the accounts. The costs of engraving were significantly higher this year because of the need to get the new P.C.S. Cup engraved. Also, he had obtained higher quality trophies for the average winners.
He noted with gratitude that the veterans’ match secretary had again claimed no expenses, and he thanked Mike Broom of Deanprint for helping us with printing.
In accordance with the plan, the fees for evening teams would increase by £3 for the coming year, and for veterans’ teams by £2.
He proposed to transfer the league’s bank account to the Vernon Building Society. This would make it simpler for him to manage the league’s affairs. The meeting approved this proposal.
The auditor commended the accuracy of the accounts and the thoroughness of their author. He also thanked clubs who had this year all paid their dues promptly.
To amend rule 3.4 to read as follows.
Rearrangement of matches
All Matches shall be played as arranged in fixtures, and if rearranged, within 14 days of the last scheduled fixture. The following exceptions are allowed.
(i) Bad weather or green unplayable
If a match is postponed on the day, owing to weather, light or green condition, the two clubs shall agree a new date and inform the match secretary within 14 days. Failure to reach an arrangement by the two clubs concerned must be reported to the league secretary within 14 days. The home club (or both clubs for cup matches) has the duty of informing the match secretary.
Potential penalties:
Failure to notify match secretary – £10 and 10% of points scored in the match.
(ii) Other reasons
If a club wishes to rearrange a match for any other reason, it shall give seven days notice to both the opponent club and the match secretary, with a minimum of three alternative dates. The club requesting the rearrangement shall inform the match secretary, with the new date (or failure to agree), within 14 days of requesting the rearrangement. No notification is required if the match is brought forward.
Potential penalties:
Failure to notify match secretary – £20 and 20% of points scored in the match.
(iii) Cancellation in week before match
This is not considered acceptable. A match cancelled in these circumstances will not be played. Average home and away points respectively will be awarded, decreased by 20% for the cancelling club.
Proposed by the Secretary
This proposal was passed with one vote against.
In rule 5.3, delete “2.00pm” and insert “1.30pm”.
Proposed by Houldsworth WMC.
This proposal was passed with no votes against.
To amend rule 7.4 to read as follows.
Division 1 teams to play off scratch, division 2 teams to receive 16 points and each lower division to receive 16 points compared to the division above. The winners to be penalised 16 points for the following season. New teams in the league to start at scratch and earn a handicap of 16 points per year, unless adjusted by promotion or relegation.
Proposed by Great Moor Conservative
This proposal was passed with no votes against.
All the existing officers were re-elected.
President: D Walker Chairman: DJ McKnight Hon Secretary and Match/Results Secretary (evenings): ER Kavanagh Hon Treasurer: J Forrest Hon Veterans Secretary: vacant; no nomination received Hon Results Secretary (Vets): A Bligh Management Sub-committee: S Alsop, T Bills, J Pearson, A Rowlinson, H Beech, N Dewey
The meeting approved honorariums conforming to the five-year plan. The new honorariums were as follows.
Treasurer £340
Secretary £340
Match secretary £200
Veterans’ secretary £200
Veterans’ match secretary £200
The secretary reported that the Cheshire inter-league competition had been changed so that each league could now be represented by a single club. We had therefore decided to enter, and had nominated Heald Green Social (Division A champions) as our representative. He wished them well in this competition.
He also reported that Stockport Council had had a rethink on their proposed charges for parks bowling. The new scheme was simpler, though it would cost proportionately more for small clubs than larger ones.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 8pm