Present: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Evening Match Secretary and Delegates.
Apologies: Alan Bligh
Absences: Ladybridge BC, Northenden Soc (Eve & Vets) and Spring Gardens
A statement from the Landlord of the Nursery Inn via Mr J Somerwill Nursery BC .re food and drink.
3 resignations official – Gatley Rec 2nd team veterans, Bramhall Queensgate BC & Thorn Grove 2nd team Evenings
Evening merit stable – veterans numbers up – propose to repeat same format next season.
One small problem at Stockport CC for the merit qualifier – nobody knew how to switch the lights on, resolved.
Greens ? - SMRBL name change Beech House. Droylsden WMC name change Delamere
A satisfactory season in general, except for poor communication between Edgeley Cons and the LMRCA re the opening of the green for the Merit Final, resolved on the night.
In the absence of Alan Bligh, the Secretary stated on his behalf that it had been a good season, except for Northenden vets pulling out near the end of the season owing to their captain going into hospital and Gatley Rec 2nd team having a shortage of players but they would not be allowed to continue next season under those conditions. (they have already resigned)
All clubs had settled their invoices
The new financial plan for the next five years.
Loyalty discount.
To form at least one division mixed veterans to play under the current rules.
and / or
Form at least one division for male veterans to play under the current rules but to reduce the age to over 55 years.
Proposal SMRBL – Ken Fish – allow ladies to play in all divisions of the veterans.
Proposal Nursery BC – Jim Somerwill – Rule change – matches to start at 1pm (currently 1.30pm) to allow for travelling home before the rush hour?
To adjust the number of divisions in the current Veterans League, assuming that some clubs would be entering their second / third team in one of the above or owing to reduced number of clubs.
To form one division in the Evening League for mixed players.
Adjust the number of divisions in the current Evening League (will lead to playing KO Cup matches back on Sundays)
Proposal for the rules revision meeting from Gatley Rec / Ross Kavanagh: Rule 4.1 to read "Competing teams shall number eight players. Ten handbooks per team are included in the annual fee."
Callison Cup as been returned to us as surplus to requirements – suggest a pairs competition open to all registered players who have played a minimum of 3 games in the current season in ether league, but played under veterans rules – possibly on a Sunday from 11am later part of the season
The above proposals are for debate, with a view to implicating them at the AGM for next season after all clubs have reviewed with their members.
Reading and clarification of the rules for the handbook from 2018 season – reason to keep the length as short as possible, which in turn keeps the cost down.
Ratification, Clarification or Correction to Rule 3.5 (error not found in the amending / recording of rules at the last AGM)
Point of order pointed out by Gatley Rec / Ross Kavanagh
Motion for the rules revision meeting or AGM (as you think appropriate): This meeting notes that the limitation of league players to men only was removed at the 2017 AGM and welcomes the introduction of women players to the league.
A lively discussion took place on all above proposals,
For handicap marks for the KO Cup competitions to be awarded after the first half of the season. (due to complaints from some clubs) Accepted by Majority Vote.
The league Annual General Meeting will be on the 22nd January 2018 at the Bungalow Club. 7.30pm
The meeting closed at 8.45pm for:-