Cheadle & Gatley District Bowling League

Cheadle & Gatley District Bowling League - Minutes

Meeting Monday 18th November 2019 7.30pm- Greg Street Club

Meeting opened by the Chairman

Roll Call:- Absent Northenden Eve – South Reddish Pk – Spring Gardens - SWMCC

Apologies – J Cunningham (see letter)

Secretaries Report:- Veterans’ Div 4 Award not returned unable to be found at Victoria.

Evening League :- 22 teams = 2 Divisions of 11 cover 22 weeks plus KO Cup 5 weeks and a Merit, would mean some weekend games. = accepted 2 Divisions

Veterans League :- Keep 6 Divisions 57 teams = 3 Divisions of 10 or 9 cover 18 weeks plus 6 for KO Cup & Merit. = accepted 5 Divisions

Veterans’ Match Secretaries Report A good first season with a few problems with KO Cup, looking forward to 2020

Treasurers Report: Fees for next season as per 5 year plan

Rule Changes:-

  1. To be inserted into the rules :-. All Member Clubs must affiliate to CCPBA. Left
  2. Rule Change 2.4:- Proposed by Great Moor 40 metres to be changed to 37 metres.
    ( Veterans’ League ) Rejected
  3. Rule Addition 2.4:- Proposed by Hazel Grove to interduce 40 metres maximum in the Evening League. Rejected
  4. Rule 2.14ii :- Proposed by Shaw Heath Rule addition. No penalty points to be awarded to a second or third team when players are taken for use by a senior team.
    Amendment passed penalty points reduced to 21
  5. Rule Addition 3.2:- Proposed by Shaw Heath. If a team withdraws from the competition their place shall be taken by the last team they beat. Rejected
  6. Rule Change 3.5:- Proposed by Shaw Heath Remove present requirements and insert a game.
    Amendment passed 1 game up to ¼ final, 3 games after


Next Meeting the AGM – 20th January 2020 Booked after this meeting.

Meeting Closed - with thanks to Greg St Club for hosting us.

Presentation of Awards etc