Cheadle & Gatley District Bowling League

Cheadle & Gatley District Bowling League

Minutes of AGM held at Longsight CC Bowling Green Lane Manchester M12 5FZ on Monday 21st March at 7.30pm

Meeting opened by the Secretary in the absence of the Chairman.

Roll Call - All Clubs present except Spring Gardens and SWMCC

Apologies - P Wrench Beech House T Forsyth HonTreasurer Ken Jackson Spring Gardens

Silent Invocation - Dougie McKnight - our Presendent & Chairman Derick Bond, P Stringer - West Heaton M Rae - South Reddish Dave Simon and Chris Wilde Stockport CC Reg Fletcher B Machin - Northen Etchells Z Altman - Vernon Park Walley Marshall-Didsbury Park Peter Ryan - Ladybarn Kevin Walsh - Ladybridge Pk John Hamilton - Crowcroft Harold Evans - Longsight Howard Thomas Snr, Billy Boyd - Houldsworth WMC Geoff Hollis - LMRCA B Shaw, B Royle, A Hadfield and W Leigh - Beech Ho Frank Hamnett, Ray Pearson Keith Hadfield - Victoria

Minutes of last AGM - Copies for all Clubs distributed and accepted by all present.

Secretaries - Complainte by Mr D Hopkinson - An issue of changing a result sheet was discussed at great lengh despite the Captains signing off the result and the authority of the C & G League Secretary to amend a result was questioned.

Notice of motion by Mr P Sloan - Didsbury Park. Points gained by B Holmes in second games to be disreguarded as it broke Rule 2.11

Mr M Travis - When a Club as two teams in the same division to play there fixtues at the start of the season. Agreed that they play their fixtures at the start of the season and on the turnaround.

Mr J Squire - Rule Change 2.1 10 Players changed to 8 - accepted 2 players could play twice if the team was short, had to be drawn from the players present at the start of the match and give their opponent 2 start. Only for the lowest teams from clubs with 2nd teams or 3rd teams and clubs with one team.

Treasurers Report - Balance sheet had been distributed. Accepted by all present

Ellection of officers

President - it was agreed R Kavanagh would be asked

Vice Presidents – Mr A Bligh, Mr M Broom, Mr R Kavanagh. Mr S E Warburton.

Life Members Mr A Bligh, Mr R Kavanagh

Chairman Nobody Accepted

Hon Secretary Mr G Wood - Accepted

Hon Treasurer Mr T Forsyth (retairing) - Nobody accepted

At this stage of the meeting it was proposed by S Fletcher Secretary of the S&D League that we join with them. Accepted by a Majority. Meeting closed

Hon Results Secretary Eve Mr G Wood

Hon Results Secretary Vets Mr J Mobbs

Management Sub-committee

Auditor Mr D Cocker