Cheadle & Gatley District Bowling League

Cheadle and Gatley DBL

Annual General Meeting

17th January 2023 Holdsworth WMC 7 30 pm

1 Absent Friends

Mr T Moores Mr B Parks Mr R Barrett Mr T Forsyth Mr P Ellis Mr C Kennedy Mr D Bates Mr K Gregson Mr K Gatenby Mr I Booth Mr P Rodgers Mr D Miller Mr G Hollis Mr G Bray Mr W Green

2 Roll Call

Absent Delamere Didsbury BC South Reddish

Apologies J Mobbs

3 Chair Introduction

Chair welcomed those who attended and explained that following the change in committee we had a number of issues to address. Firstly to get to know each other and review what systems/details were available with a view to updating and improving.

The data base is spilt into 2, namely 1 for vets and 1 for night.

We will consolidate into 1 master when all club details are confirmed. This is urgent.

There are conversations with other leagues to consolidate a common approach to rules etc. This will be a benefit to everyone.

Our website will be a source of information despite a scam early on.

A new facebook page was launched on 16th january.

Chair advised of an updated financial structure after lengthy work with a clearing bank and the treasurer.

Chair shared optimism for the future and expect the C&G league to be much stronger next year. This season we have 2 new vets and 1 new night team.

Chair noted the commitment of the committee and was keen to give credit to all officials and committee members.

4 Minutes 2022

Chair confirmed that they had been published and were available on website. In view of the circumstances of the last meeting there was agreement to not formally propose and second them.

5 Correspondence

None received

6 Secretarys Report

Secretary thanked committee and members for their support. Following the forming of the new committee the data base of members was duplicated and communications were sometimes twice. This has been corrected and further messages will be sent by the league secretary only. Winners were congratulated and a joint presentation with stockport parks league is to be considered for next year. Good luck for the new season.

Letter has been received from Mr B Beech to thank members for the donations in memory of Mr H Beech.

7 Treasurers Report

Treasurer confirmed that a new bank account has been opened with a clearing bank. This allows a more efficient way of handling our monies. Details are shown in the annual account. Any future payments from the clubs are to include a reference which is the name of the club making the transfer. Payments can also be made by cheque or cash.

League finances are guided by a financial plan which historically have covered division prize fund, K/O entry and honarariums. This way has provided consistency in the way prizes are calculated.

Worldwide events have distorted the plan and has widened the difference between income and expenditure.

With this in mind the percentage of prize monies was increased for last season. Ratio between place money and proportion for K/O prize money remained the same. A better merit prize was subsidised rather than by entry fees.

I propose that the club fees remain the same for 2023 as they were for 2022, plus a fee per team of £10 for 4 entries, additional entries at £2 50 each for merit comps, which will boost the relevant prize fund.

The finacial plan for 2023-2027, now available, does not include the merit fees in the last paragraph above.

8 Auditors Report

The accounts have been audited by Mr K Thomas. He was unable to attend the agm due to a prior commitment.

9 Honoraria / League fees as item 7

10 Evening League Secs Report

All matches were completed, playing twice div1 -3 home 8 away

Div 2 10 home 20 away we must try and reduce usage. Match sheets that are photoed must be focused before sending. BCGBA numbers must be received by 31st march before allowing a player to play. New members will be allowed 1 month to get reg nos from BCGBA.

11 Vets League Sec Report

Chair confirmed that the sec reported on minimal problems with score submissions last season. Nevertheless all captains need to submit legible and accurate reporting. Treasurer has a remit to fine incorrect submissions but would prefer to hold in abbeyance that policy and maintain good communication.

Also, a reminder about registering all players with BCGBA details. Notice was given on this at rules meeting. Committee is determined that all clubs submit the details before start of the season.

12 Merit Prize

Committee recognised a need to incentivise our league.

A prize £50 + keepsake trophy will be awarded to the player ( all leagues ) who shows the most improvement with their average.

Year 1 will be 2022 closing average compared to 2023 closing average. This will be calculated by computor and avoids any subjective opinions.

A minimum of 80% of league matches must be played to qualify.

13 Project Green Shoots

A new project was presented by Mary Wrench. The purpose of this is to promote the game with support from the league.

We are looking for ideas from clubs on how to encourage new bowlers and how to attract them to play.

Ideas include

Selected parks clubs post at their club a poster especially parks with high footfall announcing beginner sessions. Volunteers would be needed to teach the game and show the basic principles of bowling.

Advertise on C&G Facebook.

Ideas to be sent to Mary Wrench and would be welcome. Mary’s details would be confirmed when all details are known by 31st may.

Initial replies to be sent to secretary.

Sports England are finacially supporting any initiatives and would be awarded to clubs who are involved in the project .

Clubs already involved with successful schemes include:

Great Moor Thornfield Vernon Alex Park North Reddish Woodley Burnage Garden Village.

14 Handbooks

Chair confirmed that we will continue with these together with internet data to be complied by John Cunningham. They will include officails,contacts,rules and merit dates.

15 Merit K/O re – format

Night team individual will be run on Tuesdays. Sunday is not acceptable as per vote.

Vets : will now have merit 1 – open to all vets players.

Merit 2 will be open to div 3/4/5.

Prize money will be proportioned to number of entries per merit comp.

16 Restructure

Chair submitted a proposed vets league restructure this was approved by the meeting.

17 Election of Officers

The existing committee was voted in for a further 12 months

Chair Mr M Travis

League sec Mr A Clews

Treasurer Mr S Alsoph

Vets sec Mr J Mobbs

Night sec Mr G Wood

Committee Mrs M Wrench Mrs A Stewart

Vice presidents : Mr A Bligh Mr M Broom Mr R Kavanagh Mr S E Warburton

Life members Mr A Bligh Mr R Kavanagh