Farnworth and District Parks Veterans Bowling League


RULES (revised 2025)

  1. That this League be called “Farnworth and District Parks Veterans Bowling League”.
  2. The League shall be governed by an Executive Committee consisting of the Officers (Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and Match Secretary) together with two representatives from each team.
  3. Registration:
    1. Club Secretaries will be responsible for forwarding to the Match Secretary a list of registered players before the season starts. Further names may be added to the list at any time up to the 30th June. Players must be registered for 24 hours before being eligible to play in League Matches or Competitions run by the League and must be aged 60 years or over.
    2. New Registrations will be accepted from anyone whose 60th birthday falls after the 30th June deadline provided proof of birth date is submitted with their application and who will be eligible to play in both League matches and Competitions once this date is reached.
  4. Draw:
    1. Each team shall consist of 10 players and each team will play home and away matches against all the other teams in their section of the League.
    2. The draw for opponents must be made before the start of each match and all score cards must be shuffled and placed face downwards by the opposing Team Captain in readiness for the draw which will be done alternately by each Team Captain commencing with the away Team.
    3. Should any team arrive at a match with one or two Players short a blank score card will be included for each such Player and the initial draw for the game pairings will be carried out from the Players available. The FIRST FOUR Players listed in the order of play of the incomplete team shall then be requested to play a second game once all the other games have started and the Captain of the complete team shall draw the requisite number of Players from the first FOUR cards drawn in order to complete the deficiency but should any of the first FOUR Players be unavailable to play a second game due to a previous bone fide commitment the FIFTH Player in the order of play of the incomplete team shall be requested to play a second game and their card will be included in the draw. In these games the Player drawn to play twice shall forfeit the jack. If a selected Player is unable to play or refuses to play a second game, this game shall be recorded as 15 – 0 against the absent Player. In the case of a Player having played twice the SCORE OF THEIR FIRST GAME ONLY shall be recorded for the purpose of both League and Club Merit points.
    4. Rule 4(c) above may only be used by any Team THREE times in any one quarter of 9 matches. Should any Team be short of ONE or more Players at any other time these games will be played in accordance with Rule 12.
  5. Players can only play for the team with whom they are registered. No ‘A’ Section Players can play for a ‘B’ Section team and visa versa.
  6. Once a player has played for a team in the Jobbins Shield, Jarvis Cup or the Thomas Brindle Trophy he/she becomes cup-tied and cannot play for any other team in that season’s competition.
  7. Each League fixture match to be numbered. The fixture number will be repeated in each Section and no Player shall be allowed to play in more than one match having the same fixture number. This rule applies even if the fixtures are played on different days.
  8. Points for League matches will be awarded on aggregate score as follows: Home win 2pts. Home draw 1pt.; Away win 3pts.; Away draw 2pts. In addition 1pt. shall be awarded for each individual winner including games given.
  9. All games will be 15up. Any drawn matches that require a play-off in tournaments, venue to be chosen by the Match Secretary at a mid-way venue, if possible.
  10. A Player may transfer from one Club or Team to another only if both Team Captains agree to the move. In the case of dispute the Executive Committee will give a ruling. Any agreed transfers to be notified to all Clubs by e-mail from the Match Secretary and confirmed to all Clubs at the earliest scheduled League meeting. No transfers will be allowed after 30th June.
  11. If, at the end of the season, there is a tie on points for either the League leadership or the runner-up position, there will be a play-off on a neutral green to decide the issue. That two Teams be promoted from the ‘B’ Section and two Teams relegated from the ‘A’ Section.
  12. The draw for opponents must be made before the start of each match. Should either Team not have 10 Players a game score card in the name of A.N. OTHER must be included in the draw for each game for which there is no Player and must be drawn out in turn to determine order of play, not left as No. 10. The visiting Team will lead the jack at the first end of each game.
  13. All Cup matches will start at 1.15pm. No practice allowed.
  14. All League matches will start at 1.15pm. Before matches practice will be allowed as follows:

    Home Team: 12.45pm to 1.00pm; Away Team 1.00pm to 1.15pm. No practice, competition or League match, to take place on a competition or League match day prior to official practice or match start time. Bone fide Club competitions excepted. No match jack to be used during the practice period.
  15. The home Team shall provide standard jacks, 4 to be on the green at once.
  16. There will be NO MARKERS ON THE GREEN. Each game will have one Marker for each Team who MUST sit together either in an area provided by each Club or an agreed location away from other Players and Supporters. The result of each end shall be clearly indicated by the winner to the two Markers. The two Markers must agree each others score card every 3rd end and at the end of the game. Where the score cannot be agreed by the Markers or the Players, the game shall revert to the end where both score cards were in agreement.
    1. Matches shall be played under British Crown Green Bowling Association Rules except that no mark may exceed 36 metres and a copy of their Rules be displayed on the Notice Board of each Club.
    2. All Clubs to possess a tape of at least 40 metres; being sufficient length to measure a 36 meter mark. Objections can be made as with the 19 metre Rule. Teams not complying will have their claims denied.
  17. On commencing a game the footer must be placed by the leader within three yards of the entrance to the green, either to the left or the right, and one yard from the edge.
    1. The decision to postpone any match due to adverse weather conditions must be decided by both Team Captains in the presence of their full teams at the venue stated NO sooner than the appointed starting time.
    2. Matches may be postponed due to adverse weather conditions involving Rain or Heat (which could affect the health and safety of Players) and also to enable Players to attend the funeral of a Club/Team Member but NOT for shortage of Players.
      Any such postponed match must be played either PRIOR to or within 14 days after the due match date or by arrangement with the Match Secretary if there are exceptional circumstances.
      All such matches to be played PRIOR to the last numbered match of the Season but should any of the last four numbered matches be postponed and cannot be played PRIOR to their due match date they must be played within 14 days of such date.
  18. The Executive Committee shall adjudicate any matter not provided for in these Rules.
  19. At the Annual General Meeting each Team registered with the League will be allocated ONE vote.
  20. Clubs that do not fulfil their League obligations shall be fined £10.
  21. That no practice be allowed in League tournaments.
  22. The League shall consist of no more than 20 teams whether it be played in one or two Sections.
  23. That all teams should purchase six tickets for the annual presentation, irrespective of whether they attend or not. These tickets to be paid for with their annual registration fees at the March meeting of the League. Tables being reserved on Presentation Day for the two teams who have participated in the Final of the Jobbins Shield.
  24. Clubs must ensure that their jacks are of a valid date.
  25. That no Club in the League be allowed three teams unless they have two greens on which to play their home matches.
  26. All League matches to be played on Tuesday and Thursday unless postponed.
  27. Smoking is not allowed whilst participating on the green in the game of crown green bowls. The offending Player(s) to receive no further score and the Opponent(s) to receive the maximum score. This Rule also applies to the use of E-cigs.
  28. The draw for all League Trophy Competitions to be made utilising the randomising facility provided on the League Web Site.
  29. All Players representing a Club whose home matches are played on a Bolton Parks Bowling Green must be in possession of a current Bolton Bowls Permit. Any Player failing to do so will have all points accrued deducted from their team total.
  30. The League Individual Average Prize be based on a points system as follows: 2 points for a home win; 3 points for an away win; and 1 point for 10 chalks or more scored away. Also 1 point for a game given (for which there is no opponent) whether home or away.
  31. Mobile ‘phones or pagers in active mode are not allowed on the green. Should any Player fail to comply, that Player shall forfeit the game. The offending Player(s) to receive no further score and the Opponent(s) to receive the maximum score.
  32. Hard block heeled or open-toed footwear must not be worn whilst on the green in any match played under the League’s jurisdiction. All footwear must be flat soled.
  33. Should it be necessary for any Player to leave a match early and therefore play their game early or likewise any Player arriving after the match has commenced and therefore play their game late due to having a prior appointment, this must be specified prior to the draw taking place and the order of play determined.
  34. No smoking allowed in the area set aside for the Markers.
  35. On all League competition final days the League appoint a Member with sufficient knowledge of the Rules and Laws of the Game to act as Referee and whose decision shall be final.
  36. Any Club hosting a competition or Finals Day shall appoint two (or more) Members with a good knowledge in the art of measuring to do so when the occasion arises.

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  1. This Trophy is to be played for by the lady members of the League only on a basis to be determined by the number of entrants. All entrants must have played at least two (2) League games during the course of the current Season in order to qualify. League Rules will apply to this competition.

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  1. The Clifford Bate Trophy will be presented to the winners of the League Double Knock-Out Competition, which will be played on each Club’s green on a rota basis year by year
  2. Each Team in the League to nominate a Doubles Pair to compete for this Trophy.
  3. No ‘A’ team registered Player will be allowed to play as a ‘B’ Team representative.
  4. All games will be 15 up and will all start on SCRATCH.
  5. Players will spin a coin to determine who takes the jack. A ‘Home’ Player will concede the jack to their ‘Away’ opponent at the start of the game.
  6. All games will be played according to the Rules of the League, with the exception of para. 5 above.

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  1. This competition to be played on a 5 home and 5 away basis.
  2. This competition will be played in two divisions. All ‘A’ Section teams will play on a knock-out basis to the last two teams. This system will also apply to all ‘B’ Section teams.
  3. Semi-finals will be played between the remaining 2 teams from the A Section and the remaining 2 teams from the B Section. The winning 2 teams from these semi-finals will play on a neutral green to be chosen by the Match Secretary.
  4. In the event of a tie, each Captain will nominate one member of the team to play a deciding game on a neutral green. The two Players will spin a coin to determine who takes the jack. This Rule applies to all rounds of the competition except the Final where the first jack and bowl will be delivered on an alternate basis (i.e. 5 per team).
  5. Teams will be handicapped based on League positions at the end of the previous Season.

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  1. This is a handicapped knock-out competition of 6 Players per team (3 reserves can also be named) and will be played in two sections in accordance with the Rules of the League.
  2. Each team will be handicapped as to one-half of that for the Jobbins Shield. Should the handicap not divide equally it will be rounded up to the nearest whole number.
  3. Clubs may enter more than one Team in either the ‘A’ or ‘B’ Section (playing off the same handicap) but no ‘A’ Section Player can play for a team in the ‘B’ Section or visa versa and therefore no Team can be made up of a mixture of ‘A’ and ‘B’ Section Players.
  4. All matches will be played on a neutral green.
  5. All games will be 15up and each Team will take first jack alternately, i.e. 3 per Team.
  6. Each Section will play down to the last two Teams who will go through to play a semi-final. The two semi-finals and the final of the competition to be played on a neutral green to be nominated by the Match Secretary.
  7. Matches will be decided on aggregate score. In the event of a tie each Captain will nominate one Member of their Team to play a deciding game. The two Players will spin a coin to determine who takes the jack.

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  1. The League Individual Cup is presented to the winner of the League Single Competition which will be played on each Club’s green on a rota basis year by year.
  2. Each Team in the League must nominate 2 entries in the Competition.
  3. All games will be played according to the Rules of the League.
  4. All Players will start from SCRATCH. A ‘Home’ Player will concede the jack to his/her ‘Away’ opponent at the start of the game. In all other games the two Players will spin a coin to determine who takes the jack.

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  1. The Thomas Brindle Trophy is a knock-out competition to be played at the end of the season and is restricted to the Teams finishing in the last four places in the League.
  2. The 4 qualifying Teams will be drawn in 2 groups for the play-offs and each Team will consist of 10 Players.
  3. All games will be 15up.
  4. Each group of two Teams will play-off to produce a winner on aggregate score and these two teams will contest the Final which will be played on Presentation Day prior to the Presentation ceremony and will also be decided on aggregate score.
  5. All matches including the final will be played on neutral greens and each Team will take the jack alternately, i.e. 5 per team.
  6. All games will be played according to the Rules of the League.
  7. In the event of a tie on aggregate score the Captains will nominate a member of the Team to play a deciding game. The Players nominated will spin a coin to decide who takes the first jack.

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