The league shall be called the Maghull & District Monday Night Bowling League.
The league shall be formed by any number of clubs.
The committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may occur after the AGM.
The president, chairman and treasurer to be league trustees.
The League AGM to be held by email unless otherwise stated. A report and proposals to be sent to each club with clubs to respond within 28 days.
For any proposals, each team receives one vote, so clubs with two teams will have two votes and so on.
Proposals to be discussed at the AGM to be received in writing to the league secretary no later than one month prior to the AGM.
The league secretary to notify all teams 6 weeks in advance of the AGM.
Club subscriptions to the league to be £50 per team per annum.
The league secretary shall receive £75 per annum as an Honorarium.
The committee shall have the right to adjudicate on all matters not provided for in these rules.
The structure of divisions will be decided by the League Committee.
Matches to be played under the laws adopted by the Merseyside County Crown Green Bowling Association and will be played on Monday evenings.
Start times:
All league games shall be 10 a side.
Games to be 21 up.
Games to commence with four players and play to be continuous. Any team not having enough players to keep the green fully occupied (less than four blocks) during the match, shall on appeal of the opposing captain, have the full points deducted (21 for every player absent).
The name of players to be drawn by both Captains (turn of cards). Cards 5-10 will be numbered by captains prior to being turned over and will be played in that order.
In all matches the away team to have first throw of the jack. Standard jacks to be used.
The away team to have sole use of the green 15 minutes prior to the start of the match.
League match scoring:
At the end of the season the teams with the highest number of points will be declared the Divisional winners. If tied, the winner will first be decided on best net aggregate then head-to-head record if still tied.
If in the event of a match being postponed/cancelled, the two Captains must try and rearrange the game between them. Should they not agree, the Committee will pick a date.
In the event of a match having to be postponed or incomplete owing to bad weather or from any other cause, the current scores will stand, and the game will re-start from the point and approximate positions when abandoned.
In all matches, the home team Captain shall have full control of the green and will act as referee, with their decision being final. Should the Captain be playing a match they are entitled to nominate someone else to take the position.
A home team representative must upload the match result onto the League website or submit scores to League Secretary within 24 hours of a match being completed.
Clubs must submit their list of registered players to the league secretary before the first fixture.
When registering players at the start of the season, clubs with two teams must register with the secretary five ‘starred’ players who are eligible for the A team only. The remaining players will be free to represent either team during the season. The starred players will be acknowledged on the league website by having a ‘*’ after their name.
Additional or new players must be registered with the league prior to the start of a league fixture.
Players registered for one club will not be allowed to change clubs after playing one league game.
A player will not be able to represent two teams on the same night.
No limit on registered players per team.
No age limit on players.
If any team are up to two players short on any occasion a supplementary draw may be made from the players listed in games 1 to 6 to play again in order to complete the fixture. Any home player redrawn against a player who has not previously played forfeits 5 chalks per game. In the reverse case 3 chalks to be forfeited per game. When both teams use the same home green or a neutral green, 3 chalks to be forfeited by the team per game. The captain must let the opposing captain know before the start of the game and then must offer the opposing captain the choice of drawing the players from the 6 already drawn to play twice; Only the player’s first score will go towards the averages. The rule would be firm but in the spirit of the game discretion may be applied by agreement of both captains. This rule does not apply for cup matches.
A player cannot play twice in a match more than four times in a season.
KO Cup matches will be 8 a side take place on a 4 home / 4 away basis up to the final, which will be played on a neutral green.
The KO Cup will be handicapped with the handicaps set by the Committee.
No practice for cup matches.
Players must have played one league game to be eligible to play in the Semi Final or Final or for any other KO round which takes place after the league season has been completed.
For clubs with two teams, players will not be able to play for both A and B teams in the KO Cup and will be ‘locked in’ to the first team they play for.