North Derbyshire Ladies Vets Bowling League

North Derbyshire Ladies Vets Bowling League Rules

  1. The league to be called ‘North Derbyshire Ladies Vets Bowling League’
  2. All games to be played in accordance with B.C.G. Rules
  3. Games to be21 up, 6 players per team. If only 4 or 5 players available, 2 players can be drawn out, by the opposing Captain, to play twice. Minimum of 4 players cards must be in the draw. The opponents of the players drawn out to play twice are allowed 10 minutes extra practice.
  4. Matches to commence at 2:00pm. Strike out 2:30pm. Practice time: Home Team 1:30pm – 1:40pm. Away team 1.45pm to 1:55pm.
  5. Age to qualify 55years. If a player is 55 during playing season, then 54 will be accepted.
  6. Each club has only one vote at meetings.
  7. No player may transfer during a season if she has already played for a Club unless that Club has disbanded.
  8. Any team playing an unregistered player will be deducted 21 chalks and the score of the unregistered player.
  9. All cancelled matches to be notified to the Results Secretary within 48 hours by the Captain cancelling the match. Matches can be rearranged anytime during the season. The Results Secretary needs to be advised of the new date by the Home Captain. All matches to be completed within 14 days of last fixture. Matches not played by this time will be void and no points will be allocated to either the players or the teams.
  10. No fixture to be reversed without the permission of the Results Secretary.
  11. The Captains of each team to act as referees.
  12. Results to be sent in within 2 days to Results Secretary.
  13. At the end of the season, if 2 teams tie on the same number of chalks for winners or runners up position, the team with the least chalks scored against them will be the winners or runners up.
  14. Registered new players must wait 7 days before being able to play.
  15. Any new team wishing to join the league must be proposed and seconded by a team already in the league.
  16. All proposals for rule changes to be with the Secretary at least 14 days before the published date of the final match.
  17. In the event of matches being postponed due to inclement weather etc. reserves are allowed to play if required only when games have not commenced.
  18. In the event of 2 teams not able to play, after third attempt, this to go to the committee and abide by their decision.
  19. If any green is unplayable near end of season, a match can be transferred to a neutral green within the league to complete the fixture within the time limit. (Rule 9)
  20. A mark in the veterans league is between 19 meters and 40 meters. Objections as per BCGBA laws of the game.
  21. Players playing on a home green during competitions will have a 2 point penalty

Interleague Rules

  1. In the event of a draw at the end of a game, 3 players are to be drawn from each team to play 5 ends. After 5 ends, the winners will be the team with the most points. In the event of another draw, then the team with 2 winners out of the 3 will be the overall winners.