Sale and Urmston Bowling Association

Rules revision meeting held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 28 November 2023 at Brooklands

Chairman G Dixon, Secretary R Kavanagh, and delegates from all clubs except Beech House, Oughtrington, SW Manchester CC and Urmston Mens. Apologies were received from Graham Price (Treasurer), Stan Delaney (Beech House), Peter Meir (Oughtrington) and James Fielding (Urmston Mens).
Approval of the minutes of the last general meeting
The minutes of the annual general meeting (held on 11 January 2023) had been circulated and were available on the web site. They were taken as read and approved.
Proposals for rule changes
Player registration
To reduce the team size on Mondays to eight.
Proposed by Urmston Mens
There was no-one present from Urmston Mens to propose the motion or explain its rationale. Nevertheless there was a brief discussion and a vote.
Proposal rejected with no votes in favour.
Other matters
A message had been received from our President, Frank Warburton. He had not been bowling much and had health problems. As a result he was retiring from his position. The meeting wished him well for the future. Members were asked to give some thought to who could be appointed at the AGM.
The Treasurer also has health problems and was unable to attend. He reported that the current and expected final balance was £2290.14. Again the meeting wished him well.
On team news, there had been one enquiry for a team in the Wednesday league, and rumours of a team withdrawing from Monday and/or Wednesday. New teams should apply by the AGM or shortly after, and decisions on the composition of the league would be taken then.
Entries for the merit and pairs competitions were again disappointing – the Wednesday Monday Merit had only one entry and was cancelled. Delegates were asked to consider these problems with a view to further discussion at the AGM. If team numbers reduced that may free up match nights, which were likely to more popular than weekends. Other suggestions from the floor included charging for entry (currently it is lumped in with team fees) and fining for no-shows.
The secretary reported that Greater Manchester affiliation fees were unchanged. There was no news on BCGBA fees.
Presentation of trophies
The trophies had been engraved with winners’ names and were handed out.
Next meeting
The next meeting would be the AGM in January at Flixton Ex-servicemens Club.

The meeting closed at 8.05pm.