1st meeting held at the Queens Hotel
Sept 29th 1949
Clubs represented were as follows
The first business of the meeting was to nominate a Chairman.
Mr W R Burke was the only nominee for the position & was therefore elected.
The Chairman then read the correspondence which had been sent from the various Clubs, most of the letters were favourable towards the formation of a Bowling League for the Sale & District, two Clubs wrote asking for further information on the matter. Mr W R Burke then brought forward the business for which the meeting was called, he then wanted to know how many Clubs were agreeable to support this new Bowling League for the Area.
It was moved by F Burgess Sec by J Derbyshire that we form the new League, this was put to the vote & carried unanimous.
Mr J Derbyshire then moved & F Young Sec that this new venture be named the Sale & District Bowling League, this was agreed on by all Delegates present.
The next proposal came from Mr J Hutchinson Sec by Mr H Dixon that all Clubs for membership must be within the limit of three miles from the Sale Town Hall, several delegates were of the opinion that two miles would be sufficient, but when put to a vote, three miles limit carried.
It was moved & sec that the League be composed of an unlimited number of clubs, the voting showed a majority in favour.
A suggestion was put forward that we have 12 players a side for games in the new League, other delegates said that 10 a side would be enough, the meeting decided that this matter be left in the hands of a committee.
The following were elected for the purpose of considering this & all other business
Mr J Burgess J Hutchinson H Dixon J Derbyshire S Roberts.
It was decided that the Committee meet on Oct 10th at the Excelsior Club, to draw up all the rules & place them before a full meeting for their approval, this meeting to be held at the Queens Hotel Oct 19th.
A Vote of Thanks was moved by Mr J Hutchinson Sec by H Dixon for the able & efficient manner in which the Chairman Mr W R Burke had conducted the meeting, approval of this was shown by all the Delegates. Mr Burke in his reply thanked the meeting for their kind remarks & said he was always willing to help & do all he possibly could in helping to form the new Bowling League.
Meeting closed 9-15
Signed Chairman W R Burke 19-10-49