League Meeting held at the Queens Hotel Oct 19th 1949
Clubs represented as follows
Lancashire Dynamo Mr Robson, D L Whitefoot, C Stevenson
United Services Mr J Burgess J Derbyshire
Lindow Tavern A Brandreth
Legh Arms J Hutchinson
Sale Excelsior W R Burke H Dixon, H Evans, F Earl
Stretford Gas S Roberts
Sale Queens J Vaughan, W Marsland, W Proudfoot, H Parke
Atlantic Mr G J Oldham
Budenbergs Mr A Macnamara
The Chairman opened the meeting by requesting the Secretary to read the Minutes.
The minutes were then read and passed as a correct record.
The Secretary then read the minutes of a Committee meeting which was held at the Excelsior Club Oct 10th, these were accepted.
Mr J Burgess moved Mr H Dixon sec That each Club with the intention of joining the League should pay 5/- in advance for the purpose of buying Books & postage etc & to enable the secretary to carry on the business until the subscriptions are due, the five shillings to be deducted at the end of the Bowling Season.
Proposed, sec & carried that the League run A & B section, this was moved by J Burgess & Sec Mr S Roberts.
Mr W R Burke then read the rules which had been agreed upon at the last Committee meeting, most of the rules were accepted, the only exception being Rule 7, this rule read as follows. Each Club shall send a detailed result of each League match on the sheet supplied, to reach the Secretary on the day following the matches played, if not, the Club to be fined one shilling.
Mr D L Whitefoot moved Mr Burgess sec that the rule read, That each Club send a detailed result of each League match on the sheet supplied, to reach the Secretary within three days of the date of the match, if not, the Club will be fined one shilling.
It was proposed that we have a Advert or a small article published in the Sale Guardian, with a view of inviting all those Clubs who are interested to come to our meeting & see if they are willing to join up with the Sale & District Bowling League.
Mr W R Burke promised he would see the manager of the Sale Guardian & know what could be done in the matter.
Mr G J Oldham representing the Atlantic works and Mr A Macnamara representing Budenbergs attending the meeting for the first time, they stated that they along with several other Clubs were interested in the New Bowling League & that they were to report back to their respective clubs the progress that had been done since forming the new venture.
Mr J Hutchinson moved Mr J Burgess Sec that the best vote of Thanks be given to the Chairman. Mr W R Burke suitably replied & then went on to he requested that we thank the Landlord Mr R Johnson for kindly allowing us the use of the room for our meetings.
The following delegates volunteered to become Vice-presidents of the New Bowling League
Mr H Evans, Mr W Allen, Mr R Robson, Mr F Burgess, Mr J Derbyshire
Monies paid in to the secretary at this meeting United Services 5/- Lancashire Dynamo 5/-
Mr Robson VP 10/6
Committee Meeting to be held at Excelsior Club Nov 2nd 1949
League Meeting to held at Queens Hotel Nov 16th 1949
Meeting closed at 9-20