League Meeting held at the Queens Hotel Nov 16th 1949
Clubs represented as follows
Mr G T Oldham
Richards & Co
Lindow Tavern J Marsland A Brandreth
D L Whitefoot
Lancashire Dynamo
Sale Excelsior W R Burke, H Evans S Wright
Stretford Gas S Roberts
J Derbyshire Services
M C T Club T Lee, F Price
Sale Queens J Vaughan
J Hutchinson Legh Arms
The Chairman opened the meeting by calling on the Secretary to read the Minutes pf our last meeting Oct 19th, also the Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at Excelsior Club Nov 2nd.
The minutes were then read & it was Moved and Seconded that they be passed as a correct record.
The Chairman then gave a welcome to the two representatives of the Manchester Transport social Club MCT, this being their first meeting on behalf of the M C T.
A letter was read from the Royal Oak Bowling Club informing us that they would not be joining the Sale League, it was their intention of continuing to be members of the L & V for 1950.
Mr A Brandreth proposed Mr A Evans Sec that we affiliate with the Cheshire Parks along with our affiliation to the Cheshire County Bowling Association BCGBA.
The Chairman reported the interview that he had with Mr Middleton the manager of the Sale Guardian with reference to having a few words published in the Sports Column of that paper. Mr Burke told the meeting how disappointed he was at not being able to get the particulars regarding the new League printed in the Paper, he declared that it might be possible we would find this matter would be dealt with in this weeks paper 18.11.49.
Mr J Marsland asked the Chairman whether we had a Trophy for the new League, Mr Burke informed him that up to the present time we had none, but there was no doubt as the season progressed we would have one in possession.
It was proposed and Sec that the last date of applications for membership to the new League be Jan 11th, this was put to a vote & carried.
Mr J Derbyshire along with Mr C T Oldham gave a report of a meeting held at Atlantic Club on Nov 8th, this was for the purpose of finding if any of the Bowling Clubs in the Broadheath Area are interested in the new League. Mr Oldham stated that they were having another meeting.
Mr H Evans proposed J Marsland Sec that we invite Mr Wilfred Allen to become the first President of our new venture; this matter to be left to Mr Evans to deal with.
Mr T Lee & Mr F Price attending the meeting for the first time, they were here on behalf of the M.C.T., they wanted all particulars, regarding Rules etc every question they asked was answered by our Chairman & they stated that they would put the matter before their meeting which was to take place later, they apologized for not having attended before owing to a misunderstanding. Mr Price offered to get in touch with the Church Bowling Club in Northenden.
It was moved & sec that we held our next meeting at the Queens Hotel on Dec 14th.
Mr Burke than suggested that the best Thanks of the meeting be sent to the Landlord Mr Johnson for allowing us the use of the room, this was carried & the meeting closed at 9-25.
Signed Chairman