Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held Wednesday 15th March 2006 at SW Manchester CC Club
Present: Chairman D.Hurdwell, Secretary/Treasurer K.Mitchell, President M.Bexon and delegates from all teams except Sale Cons and Levenshulme.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.35 and welcomed all delegates. He gave a brief rundown of the situation regarding the position of Fixture Secretary and confirmed he would he deal with the First Division results and tables and Keith Mitchell would deal with the Second Division.
The Chairman then announced the passing of Cliff Wilson of Bowling Green and Fred Anderson of Shell who had also been a Life Member. The delegates stood in silence for a short while as a mark of respect.
There were no apologies for absence.
The minutes of the last AGM were read and approved unanimously. There were no matters arising.
The Secretary reported that no further teams had applied to join the League so this season we would have a First Division of ten and a Second Division of nine. He urged delegates to publicise the vacancy so that we could get back to ten teams per division as soon as possible. Packs containing fixture cards, rules and bye laws and all other relevant documentation for the season had now been handed out to all delegates. He asked all captains to ensure their players were aware of the new practice rule coming into force this season. Finally he announced that Northenden would host the All England Merit on 29th July which would be well worth seeing.
Keith Mitchell confirmed the Fixture Secretary situation as detailed by the Chairman. He said that he had actually arranged the fixtures and that Derrick would be responsible for e mailing results and tables to the Press, Tony Mortimer’s website and delegates who requested them.
Competition Secretary Maurice Bexon stated that entry forms for the Eric Dale Pairs and the Merit were included in the document packs and asked that delegates try to persuade their members to enter these competitions. Entries were good last year but there was certainly room for more in the Merit. He reiterated his comments from the Rules AGM when he asked that dress codes be strictly adhered to and that there should be no swearing either on or around the green. Finally he produced the Pride of Sale Trophy which thanks to Derek Jacob’s trophy supplier had been renovated to allow us about another 14 seasons of play. The delegates were duly grateful to Derek and Maurice for ensuring that we can continue to compete for this historic trophy.
The Treasurer stated that balance sheets had been sent out with AGM notices and confirmed his November report to the effect that the final balance was £268. He said that hopefully the new registration fee of £1.50 per player would go a long way towards getting the balance to the target of £350. There were no questions.
The Auditor confirmed he had checked the accounts and found them easy to understand and a pleasure to audit.
The following proposals were put by the Management Committee to the delegates:
In Any Other Business Alf Ball of Cringlewood 2 suggested that the start time for all matches be 6.30 regardless of clubs having floodlights. This would save teams who had to travel a good distance waiting around for a 7.00 pm start. After some discussion Alf was asked to formalise a proposal for the AGM in November.
There was no further business and the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.17pm