Present: chairman F Warburton, secretary R Kavanagh, treasurer G Tonge and delegates from all teams except Longford Park and Urmston Mens.
The chairman opened the meeting at 7.00 and welcomed all delegates.
Minutes of previous meeting:
The minutes of the pre-season and general meeting on 11 March 2020 were read and approved. There were no matters arising, though it was noted that the meeting happened in more innocent pre-pandemic times.
Presentation of trophies:
The trophies for the league winners (Beech House) and averages winner (John Alcock, Nursery) were presented. In a truncated season, these were the only trophies to be presented.
Proposed resolution:
This meeting approves the transfer of the league’s account from HSBC to the Vernon Building Society, the account to be operated by the treasurer with withdrawals authorised by any two of the chairman, secretary and treasurer
The treasurer explained that our current account was with HSBC. They had written to us declaring their intention to impose charges that would amount to about £100 per year. He had made enquiries with other leagues and with other financial institutions. He recommended we transfer our account to the Vernon Building Society. This is a small Stockport-based society. They offer an account for associations such as ours, operated through a passbook.
Trinity asked if the Vernon would be convenient for a possible future treasurer. It was suggested that if necessary a further transfer could be made.
The secretary added that HSBC had also required us to complete an identity verification process. He and especially the treasurer had spent much time on this, so far unsuccessfully.
The proposal was passed unanimously.
General discussion of matters relevant to the league:
The chairman asked for views on the team size. We had agreed eight-a-side for one season only. He emphasised that no decisions would be made until the AGM. There was general support for retaining eight-a-side (two clubs preferred reverting to 10). There was also support for allowing players to play twice when a team is short. The rule adopted (but never used) for the 2020 season was considered rather restrictive. The secretary agreed to put a range of choices before the AGM.
The top of the league was close, with one chalk between Beech House and Urmston Mens. However it was also the case that some matches were one-sided, and this can be demoralising. The secretary said he hoped to propose a structure based on two divisions for next year. The benefits are that teams play mostly against teams of similar strength, with promotion and relegation to be strived for or against.
The AGM would be held on Wednesday 24 November.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.30 pm