27 January 2022
Held at Brooklands
Present: Chairman F. Warburton, Secretary R. Kavanagh, Treasurer G. Tonge, delegates from all teams except Bowling Green and United Services (who had sent apologies), and SW Manchester CC.
The chairman welcomed all delegates. He said that he had reached an age where he thought it sensible to reduce his commitments and would not necessarily continue as chairman.
Bowling Green and United Services had apologised for being unable to attend and expressed support for the motion below.
The minutes of the previous AGM had been circulated. They were taken as read and approved. There were no matters arising.
5.1. This meeting approves the winding up of the Sale and District Bowling League, and the transfer of its assets to the new Sale and Urmston Bowling Association.
The proposed rule 2.2.2 (substitutions if a player is unavailable when called) was queried. It was felt that it was open to abuse, if a player did not fancy playing the opponent they had been drawn against. The secretary explained that it was a fairly typical rule, but he would reconsider the wording.
The requirement for players to be registered seven days before playing was also questioned. This is a rule from the Urmston league, not previously applicable in Sale. It was desirable to have some sort of rule to simplify direct entry, but the period could be reduced to 48 hours.
The proposal was approved unanimously.
The chairman thanked all delegates for attending and expressed hope that the new association would be better for the bowlers of both Sale and Urmston.
The meeting also expressed its thanks to the officers and especially the secretary for their work in achieving this merger.
The meeting closed at 7.25pm.