Minutes of the AGM held on Wednesday November 1st 2017 at Longsight Cricket Club
Present: Mr W Marshall President Mr R Bestwick Secretary Mr P Ryan Match Secretary Mr E Pentland Treasurer
- President’s Remarks: Wally Marshall welcomed all delegates to the meeting. He thanked Longsight CC for hosting us once again, Ladybarn for hosting Delegates meetings, the clubs that had hosted Cup Finals also clubs hosting the Merit and Pairs Competitions.
- Roll Call and Apologies: Delegates were present from all clubs except Longford Apologies for absence: None
- Obituaries: All present observed a period of silence in memory of: Keith Jackson (Vice President), Ian Nicholson & Mike Fisher (Burnage G V), Harry Holt & Alfie Lamb (Crowcroft), Jim Hamnett & Dave Ruth (Debdale), Fred Busby (Didsbury), Cliff Moore (Highbank), Roy Mitchell (Ladybarn).
- Minutes of last meeting & Minutes of the 2016 AGM: Had been circulated in advance with the Agenda. They were taken as read and approved as a true record
- Secretary’s Report: Roger Bestwick congratulated all League, Cup and Competition winners. By and large it had been a successful season despite the impending threat to council greens from the massive cut in funding for maintenance. A preliminary plan had been formulated for the 2018 season, assuming that there was no major change to the number of teams in the three divisions. As in 2017 Cup rounds would take place as near to the end of the season as possible with handicaps based on 2018 results. Attendance at the 2017 Merit and Pairs competitions was disappointing, one possible solution was to make room in the Friday league for 2 weeks in both June and July for the two competitions. This puts all three divisions “in step” so it is possible to simplify Rule 3.3 such that all club members that have played in at least 5 league games by 19th August are eligible. In conclusion Roger Beswick put on record his thanks to everyone associated with the SMVBA for making his job a such a pleasure for (nearly) all his time as Secretary!
- Match Secretary's Report: Peter Ryan said that his first season as Match Secretary had gone smoothly thanks to the secretaries and captains sending in results sheets promptly. He noted that the match between Parkville and Albert Vets had not been played.
- Treasurer’s Report: Eric Pentland presented a summary of the accounts for the year ended 23rd October 2016. He was pleased to report a surplus for the year of £26.00 and a year end Balance of £ 2011.50. The Treasurer's Report was accepted with thanks to Eric for his efficient handling of the funds and clear presentation of the accounts.
- Changes to Rules (shown in italics):
1.1 The Association shall be called the South Manchester Veterans Bowling Association and governed by a Council made up of: a) The Committee i.e. the President, Vice President, Secretary, Match Secretary, Treasurer and up to 5 elected members. b) Up to three Delegates from each club This change was proposed by the Secretary, seconded by Northen Etchells and approved unanimously'
2.7.1 A team one player short for a league match may use one player twice in the match (to be chosen by ballot of not less than seven cards otherwise forfeit 21 chalks). The second game, although counting towards the result of the match shall not affect or count towards the player’s average. The player required to play a second game in a match shall start off scratch his opponent shall start off 5 and the game shall be 21 up. This proposal was defeated by 14 votes to 2.
Rule 3.3 Player eligibility for Cup teams. Eligibility for any given team in Cup matches is restricted to club members that have played in at least 5 league games prior to the preliminary round. Players eligible for more than one team are allowed to play for only one Monday team and only one Friday team. This proposal was approved unanimously with the proviso that the number of games be adjusted as necessary if the preliminary round was played earlier in the season.
A proposal that all KO cup games be played on neutral greens by Ladybarn was seconded by Crowcroft and passed by 8 votes to 6.
Disputes and Appeals Panel
a) A club making a protest concerning noncompliance with SMVBA rules, whether as a body or on behalf of an individual member shall within seven days of the incident provide a written statement of the alleged offence to the Secretaries of both the SMVBA and the club of the alleged offender. b) The SMVBA Secretary shall convene a meeting of an ad hoc Disputes and Appeals Panel having 3 to 5 members. Panel members shall be SMVBA Committee members but not members of clubs involved in the dispute.
c) The panel shall meet within 28 days of the incident. The panel shall consider both written and oral evidence from both parties to the dispute. Where the alleged offender is an individual club member one other member of that club who is not giving evidence may provide advice. The panel shall give its decision and impose an appropriate penalty.
d) An appeal against the panel decision and/or penalty may be made to the next SMVBA delegates meeting. The decision of the delegates meeting shall be final. This proposal was approved unanimously
- Election of Officers: The following were elected President: Wally Marshall Secretary: George Wood Match Secretary: Peter Ryan Treasurer: Eric Pentland Committee Members: Ken Scott. Tom Gerard, Ray Langton, Roger Bestwick A proposal from the floor that Roger Bestwick be elected Vice President was passed unanimously.
- Honoraria: No change to the current levels was proposed so Honoraria continued as £100 per annum for each of the Secretary, Treasurer and Match Secretary.
- Any Other Business:
- Provisional Key Dates 2017-18 Deadline for teams to join/leave leagues: 31st December 2017 Delegates Meetings: Wednesdays March 14th, June 13th, September 12th (all 10.30 at Ladybarn) Next AGM: Date and Venue to be decided. Fridays: 6th April league start, 8th June Merit prelims, 22nd June Merit Finals, 15 July Pairs prelims, 29th July Pairs finals, 24th August KO Cup preliminary round, 14th September league ends, 28th September KO Cup Final. Mondays: April 9th league start, 20th August KO Cup preliminary round, 10th September league ends, 24th September KO Cup Final.
- Northen Etchells expressed disappointment that tea and biscuits had not been provided at a well supported Coronation Cup final. It was pointed out that the provision of refreshments by clubs hosting matches on neutral greens was not compulsory.
- George Wood handed round samples of handbooks as a possible replacement for the fixture sheets and rules documents currently used. He asked for comments from clubs.
- Closure: The President closed the meeting at 2.20 pm with thanks to all for attending and especially to Longsight CC for their hospitality.