affiliated to the Greater Manchester Crown Green Bowling Association and governed by their rules.
2025 revision
That the league be called Swinton and Pendlebury District Bowls League.
That the league be governed by the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall consist of officers of the league (ex officio) and one representative from each affiliated team.
Any team not represented at committee meetings will be fined £5.00 for each absence.
The fees for each team will be: Affiliation fee £80.00
There will be no cut-off date for registering players. League Competitions have specific eligibility rules.
All players must be registered 24 hours before being eligible to play in a league match. Before a player can play for any other club, he/she must have fulfilled their obligations to their old club for the past season.
Once a player has been registered to a particular team ie (A or B) for their club they can only play for that team.
All matches to be played in accordance with BCGBA rules and byelaws. Each league game will consist of 10 players. All league matches to be 21 up. A team short of players suffers the award of 21-0 for each player short.
ALL matches to commence at 6.30pm.
Captains to declare their teams and make the draw in time to commence the match with a minimum of four games no later than the specified time. Alteration of players` names ispermitted up to one hour after the commencement which is the final declaration time and teams play as finally declared. Four games to be in progress at all times, players arriving late may only play if four games are in progress.
Practice in the immediate thirty minutes before the start of all league matches shall consist of two separate periods of fifteen minutes, one for each team`s sole use. The away team to have the second period of fifteen minutes just before play begins.
Unless bowling in an official match or competition, bowlers are not allowed to practice on any opposition green later than 48 hours before a league match is due to be played. Failure to comply would result in the offending player `s score being deleted from the match card and a 21-0 win awarded to the opposing team.
For all matches, opponents shall be drawn for and not selected. Opposing Captains to exchange numbered match cards prior to the draw. Cards are still required for missing players to complete the draw properly. Bowlers are then paired off according to the same number, which is also the order of play,
All games to commence with 4 blocks but both Captains need to agree to add a 5th block once the match has commenced.
A new team applying to join the League would be discussed by the delegates. The decision to join Division 1 or Division 2 would be made dependent on the information about the team – age, experience, etc.
The jacks must be standard yellow and shall be bowled by the visiting players at the commencement of each league match and knockout. On neutral greens rule 5 for the 10 a side will apply.
To set a mark: - If a mark is not set by the first player, the jack must be handed to the opponent and so on until a valid 19 metre minimum mark is set.
Where a match is stopped due to adverse weather, players not having started their game must play on a date agreed by the two Captains, the match to be completed as soon as possible.
Those games in progress at the time should recommence from the point reached at the time match called off. Any player unable to play on the rearranged date will lose the game 21- to the score at the time of the original match was stopped unless, by mutual agreement a substitute is allowed. That game should also start as a new game 0-0.
All matches must be played as per the fixture list. The only exceptions are for green closures and adverse weather conditions. Those matches must be played within 4 weeks of cancellation. Failure to rearrange within the time limit will result in the date being set by the Executive Committee. Matches may not be cancelled or postponed for any other reason however a fixture may be rearranged to be played before the original date.
Clubs should either confirm or withdraw membership of the league at the AGM. If a club subsequently withdraws, all fees for the following year must still be paid.
Awarding of points: -
1 point for each individual win.
2 points for the home aggregate win.
3 points for the away aggregate win.
where the aggregate score is tied, 1 point for a home draw and 1.5 for an away draw.
The top two teams from Division 2 will be promoted to the 1st Division and the bottom two teams from Division 1 relegated to the 2nd Division for the following season. If there is a disparity of more than 1 or 2 teams between the two divisions the Management Committee have the power to make the necessary changes.
In the event of two teams tying for the division championship or relegation from the 1st Division then the team with the most wins will be champions or remain in the 1st Division whichever is the case.
The home team is responsible for the input of the result online. Any mistakes and queries will need to be corrected by the website secretary. Details of any cancellation or postponement of matches must be notified also. Failure to comply will incur a fine of £3.00.
The league average prize will be based on a points system:
3 points for each away win
2 points for each home win
1 point for scoring 16 or more chalks away.
The Executive Committee shall have power to settle all disputes between clubs and players and further to deal with the matter. Any club raising an objection should do so in writing within 48 hours of the match in question, clearly stating the nature of the objection to the league secretary who will immediately convene a meeting of the Executive Committee. All representatives of the club raising the objection must attend otherwise it will be deemed the objection withdrawn.
Secretaries or Captains shall not make private or mutual agreements on the allocation of points in connection with postponed matches.
All trophies, cups or shields etc. are the property of the league and cannot be won outright.
There shall be no alteration of these rules unless preceded by a Notice of Motion to be voted on at the AGM. Proposals must be received and formulated at the meeting which precedes the AGM.
Only duly registered members of The Swinton & Pendlebury District Bowling League are eligible to enter any competitions for league trophies and prizes.
There is no practice allowed in any league competition.
The 1st and 2nd Division will have separate competitions.
In the Floodlit competition players should nominate night they CANNOT play and be available for all other night.
Players not turning up on finals night to forfeit any prize monies.
Players must have played a minimum of six games in the current season, three of which must have been away.
The Alan Proctor Trophy and both floodlit competitions will be handicapped as follows: -
The winner of each competition from the previous year will give their opponent three points, the runner up will give 2 points and semi-finalists one point.
This handicap will decrease annually providing they enter each year thereafter.
Players with a handicap will be given the opportunity to play to 15 i.e. to 18 for a 3-point handicap, to 17 for a 2 point and to 16 for a 1 point.
The handicapping for the 6 and 10-a-side competition will be based on the results from the League games. The handicap is based on the number of chalks scored, minus the number of chalks conceded, divided by the number of gamed played with a minus deduction of 10%. The full handicap is applied to the 10-a-side and 3/5th s for the 6-a-side competition.
Teams to comprise of 6 or 10 players and played to 21 up - half players home and half players away.
In the 6-a-side an unlimited number of teams from a panel of 7 players per team may be entered but only 1 team may contain their top 3-point scorers.
Aggregate scores only to count, in the event of a tie, wins to count. If still tied, one player from each team, nominated before the match, will play a decider. First to 5 chalks deemed the winner.
Teams to be handicapped on the current season`s placing.
The away player is to be given the jack in both competitions.
Players are not permitted to bowl on the selected green later than 48 hours before the match is due to be played, unless in an official game/match.
When full details of the draw have been finalised, clubs must not change venues unless the nominated green has subsequently been closed.
The results to be input to the website no later than 48 hours after the match.
Any team entering an ineligible player will forfeit that individual game.
Captains should make the draw in time to commence the match with a minimum of three games by 6.30pm. Alterations are permitted up to 7.00pm. Which is the final declaration time.
In the final, all selected players to be available at the commencement of each match, no alterations to be made after the draw is completed.
Players may choose a partner registered with any team in the Swinton & Pendlebury League.
Play up to 21 up and toss for the block.
Second division players have 1 start and the block in all games.
Home players give 1 start in all games and the block in first game.
First and second division players playing together are classed as first division bowlers.
Play up to 21 up with 6 on the card and 2nd Division player gets another point if playing against a 1st Division player.
Home players to be penalised 1 point.
Home players to give their opponent the jack in the first round unless that person has played in a preliminary round.
Game 21 up with 6 on the card or 21 up depending on how many entries turn up.
Home players give 1 start in all games and the block in the first game.
Toss for the block, 2nd Division players have 1 start and block in all games.
The winner of the competition has entry into the Player of the Year competition.
The Competition is played at the start of the season
Each team can nominate the player for their team