Timperley & District Veterans' Bowling League

  1. The title shall be: TIMPERLEY & DISTRICT VETERANS’ BOWLING LEAGUE and shall consist of Clubs with both private and park greens, within a radius of six miles of the Timperley Village Green.
  2. The League shall be managed by a Committee of eight, comprising: President, Vice President, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixtures Secretary plus two Members; who together with the two Auditors shall be nominated by October 31st for election at the AGM. The Secretary, Treasurer and Fixtures Secretary shall receive expenses, the values of which shall be determined by the Members at the AGM.
  3. Persons eligible to join shall be Members 55 years of age or over.
  4. All players must be registered for life with the British Crown Green Bowling Association and with the Cheshire County Bowling Association. Playing a non-registered player will result in forfeiture of the game by the offending Club. All Clubs must be affiliated to the Cheshire County Bowling Association. Fees must be paid to the CCBA for the year on the due date or withdraw from the League until paid.
  5. Each Club Secretary must send a list of their Registered Players to the Fixtures Secretary before the start of the season. The list must contain, in alphabetical order: the name, BCGBA and CCBA registration numbers of each Player. A Club may add players during the season, but no player may be registered after June 30th. Players must be registered seven days before playing.
  6. Matches shall be played according to the laws of Crown Green Bowling as laid down by the BCGBA and shall consist of four pairs per side playing foursomes 25 up. The result shall be decided by the total number of points scored. Team Captains shall select players and enter names on a score card prior to the game and the opponents then to be determined by the ‘turn of cards’.
  7. All matches shall be played on Friday afternoons, commencing at 1.30pm. Should the green be deemed unplayable by the green keeper or in his absence, the Home Team Captain, for any reason, including inclement weather, the teams may re-arrange the match for another day, within 21 days by mutual consent. If the home club has a second green, the match can be played on that green provided that both Captains agree. Shortage of players is not a valid reason for re-arranging matches. In the event of a match having commenced and not being able to be completed, eg: because of unsafe conditions, arrangements must be made at the time, for the match to be resumed as the scores standing at the time of the abandoned match. Players may not be substituted.
  8. Any situation not specifically covered in Rule 7 that affects the result of a match will be dealt with at a committee meeting to which both clubs are invited.
  9. The Home team shall be allowed to practice from 1pm to 1.15pm. The visiting team shall be allowed to practice from 1.15pm to 1.30pm. The visitors shall have the jack at the first end.
  10. A team short of players at 1.30pm due to lateness, sickness and/or holidays, may borrow one or two players from the opposing Club, subject to both Captains agreeing. The result of such games shall count towards the overall aggregate of the teams.
  11. Minimum length bowled: 19 metres, maximum length: 38 metres. Objections to both the minimum and maximum lengths are to be made after the first wood has come to rest. All Clubs must be in possession of a metric tape for measuring.
  12. Both Captains must agree the outcome of the game and the Home Captain or Secretary will email or text the result of the match to the Fixtures Secretary after the game, between 4.15pm and 7.30pm on the same day.
  13. The two Captains must agree on any anomalies which may occur.
  14. Subscriptions are £20 per team for 2024 until further notice; fixture cards are free. All Subscriptions must be paid to the Treasurer at the AGM. Non-payment of fees by February 28th will invoke a penalty of £10.
  15. Notice of motions or proposed changes to the Rules are to be notified to the Secretary in writing, by October 31st each year. A copy of all such motions, proposed changes to the Rules and nominations, shall then be circulated to all Club Secretaries at least 21 days prior to the AGM to allow due consideration. Failure to attend the AGM by a club representative will result in a £10 fine.
  16. Voting at the League AGM shall be limited to a maximum of one vote per Club. All Clubs must have a Safeguarding Officer in place prior to the start of a season.
  17. No player can play for more than one Club in any one season except when on loan under Rule 10. A player who has not actually played for the Club with which he/she is registered then he/she may move Clubs once during the season, but only in compliance of Rule 5. If a Club withdraws after a season commences, affected players may (up to June 30th) re-register with another Club with the consent of the Management Committee.
  18. An officer of the League may not hold more than one position at any one time.
  19. Any contravention of any of these rules will be dealt with by the Management Committee.
  20. The Home Team must have a copy of the League Rules available at all matches.
  21. An EGM may be called by the League Secretary on behalf of the Management Committee, or not less than five member Clubs, duly submitted in writing to the Secretary and carrying the signatures of all Secretaries of those Clubs making the request and stating the reason for the meeting. No other business will be discussed at this type of meeting.

Updated as at Feb 2025.