5 November 2014
Held at Flixton Cricket Club
All present.
Chairman welcolmed delegates and a minutes silence was held for members who had passed away. Bill thanked Mike O’Regan for his service to the league.
Minutes read from last meeting. Nothing arising.
Secretary had nothing to report.
Ross informed delegates that the rule in Division 2 to play twice was a little less than last year and told delegates of league position changes if rule had not been used. The rule is intended to help out when a team finds itself short. It isn’t meant to allow a team to operate on a smaller squad.
The system to enter your own scores was successful and will continue next year.
Alan thanked auditors and went through financial report and recommended no increases next season.
Auditors said Alan had done a good job and said sponsors income should be maintained.
Mike congratulated all winners and told delegates there had been a couple of problems which had been dealt with.
Bye-law 6 to be amended to read: “No pratice allowed before matches.” Defeated
Rule 1 to be amended to read: “Open to all players registered at the March delegates’ meeting or who have played in at least three league matches at the closing date of entry.” Carried
In the Pairs competition a player may change his partner up to 48 hours before the qualifying date by informing the secretary or fixture secretary. Carried
Bye-law 9 to be amended to read: “Clubs may enter more than one team. When a club enters more than one team in different divisions the Management Committee will star its best 6 players. These 6 players may only play in the ‘A’ team, the remaining players may play in any team.” Carried
It was mentioned that there was a County A.G.M. and a couple of issues need voting on. Alan Stocks said he would go. Delegates decided to ask Alan to vote against new marking rule and vote for proposal to amend rule for billing clubs.
Next delegates meeting January 28th 2015