15 November 2017
Held at Flixton Conservative Club
Irlam, U.S.C. Walton Park,and Clifton not present.
Chairman opened meeting and a minutes silence was held for past members.
Minutes read from last A.G.M. (nothing arising)
Mike thanked committee for their support and congratulated winners of comps and Metros for Presentation Day.
Ross said playing twice worked better this season 26 times against 38 last year. Biggest problem was teams playing on Mondays some teams playing with 7 or 8 players.
Ross went through balance sheet with delegates with balance up £179.73 on previous year.
Auditors were happy with presentation and recommended that the honorarium for treasurer be shared by Ross and Mike. Carried unanimously.
To alter bye-law 1 to 8 players (referred to be discussed at a E.G.M. in January)
To amend late payments to 1 pound carried 11 - 2
To amend starred players to 4 carried 11 - 0
To amend averages to be decided on most chalks defeated 5 - 9
Committee re-elected and honorariums to stay the same.