Edgworth Winter Bowling

Welcome to the website for winter bowling at Edgworth BC, located at BL7 0AP


The two winter leagues are being run by Edgworth Bowling Club.  We are using the Multi Use Games Arena (MUGA) situated behind Edgworth Cricket and Recreation Club.  We welcome players from all around the local area to join in.  Teams do not need to be specifically from any one Club and can consist of male only, female only or mixed.

Match format:

For both leagues we are playing three pairs games of 15 up.  The first game will start at 12 noon and the last game will finish at 3pm.  The HOME team takes the Jack and is responsible for marking and entering the results of each game on this website.  Assistance is available from the Admins listed below.

Key rules:

Area of play - we will play inside the white lines denoting the outer edge of the football pitch.  All other lines are to be ignored.  If any part of a jack or bowl is over the inside edge of the line when viewed from above it shall be classed as off the Green (in the gutter) and normal rules apply going forwards.  In case of a dispute that cannot be agreed between players or their captains, then a neutral captain will make the final judgement.

Team shortages - If any team cannot field a squad of 6 players for a match then any player from any other team who does not have a game that particular day can step in and play for the short team, as a guest.  In order for the website to cope with this flexibility, two additional 'fake' players have been registered for each team, please pick one of these names instead of the guest player as the guest will only appear in the listing for their own team and therefore cannot be selected.


Andy Warman - Tel 07482 628500

Margaret Turtington - 07539 045792

Jim Sheffield - 07484 761551

or email edgworthbowlingclub@outlook.com

Team Contacts:

Allen's Green - Ronnie Howarth (07870 796895    ronniemelbourne@icloud.com)

Bradshaw - Kathleen Hadjinicolaou (07769 622594    nick.hadjinicolaou@ntlworld.com)

Coconutters - John Barlow (07713 468981   greenthorne1@gmail.com), Ian Price (07971 062151    ianturtonprice@aol.com)

Frozen Sprouts - Nigel Dickenson (07988 865901    nigeldickenson@aol.com)

Hoddlesden - Margaret Corden (07570 129080   thecordens@talktalk.net)

Irritable Bowls - Stuart Duncan (07398 202067  lucydog@gmx.co.uk)

Mixed Bunch - Margaret Turtington (07539 045792   margaretstreet2511@live.co.uk)

Mixed Bunch II - Cliff Unsworth (07979 354778    cliffunsy@hotmail.com)

Potters - Barry Robinson (07835 406602   robinsonbarry099@gmail.com)

Turton - Mike Cropper (07711 293644    cropper338@googlemail.com)

Warriors - Sandra Doel (07516 432318    sandradoel@hotmail.com)

Bowlton All Stars - Nigel Duckworth (07595 160987, text only. nduckworth@aol.com)

Totty Park - Geoff Leach (07860 645828    gleach2202@gmail.com)