A.S.M. HONOURS BOARD: General: |
ALTRINCHAM & SOUTH MANCHESTER BOWLING LEAGUE SEASON 2025 President: PETER KELSALL Deputy President: DAVE STOTT Chairman & Treasurer: STEVEN RIDLEY Deputy Chairman: DAVE ROGERSON League Secretary & Fixture Secretary: KEITH WALDEN League Council: Rosie Jeffery, Keith Royle, Paul Hynes, Phill Wrenn Life Members: Noel Burrows, Peter Kelsall, Phill Wrenn, Steven Ridley Auditors: Graham Nobbs & Alan Lord, C.C.B.A. Delegate: Paul Hynes
The Altrincham & South Manchester Bowling League has been in existence since 2001, when it merged with the old Altrincham Institutes League and the South Manchester Bowling League. The League shall promote and organise Crown Green Bowls in compliance with the requirements of the British Crown Green Bowls Association. There are three divisions within the League comprising of 27 teams and both male and female bowlers are allowed and welcome to play in teams comprising of 8 players a side, playing on a Tuesday evening, just one night a week. There are 2, one day individual competitions both played to a conclusion on a Sunday, and both cup competitions Kearns Cup & A.T. Nolan Trophy are played on Tuesday evenings, with the finals of both, being played on a neutral green on a Sunday at the end of season. There is still scope for other teams to apply to join & you'd be most welcome. Extremely respectable prize money is paid out to ALL teams and individuals at the end of season mixed presentation night.
There will be a raffle with excellent prizes,
EVENING COMMENCES AT 8.00pm tickets £9.00 each. all clubs automatically issued with 5 tickets, any extras please contact League Secretary.
Kearns Cup and A.T Nolan Cup Dates |
Kearns Cup and A.T Nolan Cup DatesKearns Cup 1st Round Tuesday 29th April Kearns Cup 2nd Round Tuesday 20th May A.T. Nolan 1st Round Tuesday 10th June A.T. Nolan 2nd Round Tuesday 1st July Kearns Cup and A.T. Nolan 3rd Round Tuesday 29th July Kearns Cup and A.T. Nolan Semi Finals Tuesday 19th August Kearns Cup and A.T. Nolan Finals Day Sunday 14th September
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(Friday 21 February 2025) | |
PETER KELSALL OPEN MERIT 2025Peter Kelsall Open Merit Sunday 29th June 2025 Venue: Metro's Bowling Club 10.30am Start & Strike Out
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(Monday 16 December 2024) | |
PRESIDENTS TROPHY AWARD OF MERIT 2025PRESIDENT'S TROPHY AWARD OF MERIT Sunday 28th September 2025 Venue: Urmston Sports Bowling Club 10.30pm Start & Strike Out
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(Monday 16 December 2024) | |
A.S.M. LEAGUE DIRECT ENTRY OF MATCH RESULTS DEMO.https://www.cgleague.co.uk/demo/direct-entry.php | |
(Sunday 23 May 2021) |