Admin: |
President: Margaret Corden. 01254 706527 Mob 07570 129080. email: the cordens@talktalk.net Secretary: Shirley Boothby. 01282 775844. Mob 07866 662107. email: shirley.boothby@hotmail.com Treasurer: Joan Bryce. 01254 249513. Mob 07741 204552. email: r.bryce@hotmail.co.uk Fixtures Secretary: Pat Riley. 01254 876138. Mob 07762 307787. email: patriley45@gmail.com The Ladies Afternoon Bowling League is dedicated to providing a culture that enables all members to participate in Crown Green Bowling in a 'Spirit of Friendship and Enjoyment' ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ League Rules. Team Contacts. Brinscall. Captain. Susan Baxendale. Mob 07803 188749. email: sbaxendale06@gmail.com Vice Captain. Julie Harling. Mob 07920 059386. email: julieharling05@aol.com Cherry Tree. Captain. Maureen Platt. 01254 830775. Mob 07773 261227. email: maureenplatt3@gmail.com Vice Captain. Rosemary Ceaser. Mob 07454 396883. email: gailpickup@gmail.com Feniscowles A. Captain. Ann Blakemore 01254 208740. Mob 07561 830242. email: blakemoreann@gmail.com Vice Captain. Christine McMurray 01254 419624. Mob 07505 084262. email:christinewmc@gmail.com Feniscowles B. Captain. Eileen Hodgson 01254 200594. Mob 07748 521413. email: jeh.pinson@googlemail.com Vice Captain. Kath Wade. Mob 07977 630995. email: kathwade47@gmail.com Lower Darwen Memorial. Captain. Jean Pimrick. Mob 07773 606386 . email: jeanpimrick@hotmail.co.uk Vice Captain. CaroleTann. Mob 07929 588104. email: carole.tann@hotmail.co.uk Olive Park. Captain. Lynn Jennings Mob 07570 962252. email: lynnj410@gmail.com Vice Captain. Jenny Baron Mob 07762 930006. email: m.baron@talktalknet Oswaldtwistle Immanuel. Captain. Diane Greenhalgh 01254 391497. Mob 07983 029043. email: dianegreenhalgh48@gmail.com Vice Captain. Joan Houston 01254 385098. Mob 07552 047090. email: joanhouston@live.co.uk Roe Lee. Captain. Wendy Cooper 01254 721439 Mob 07840 898800. email: wendy@iwcooper.co.uk Vice Captain. Joan Horsefield 01254 249014. Mob 07719 929118. email: jchorsefield@btinternet.com Salesbury Captain. Gaynor Waring 01254 937080. Mob 07908 639093. email: gaynor.waring@hotmail.com Vice Captain. Joan Bryce 01254 248662. Mob 07741 204552. email: r.bryce@hotmail.co.uk Whalley. Captain. Agnes Corben 01254 248345. Mob 07501 265444. email: fcorbana@hotmail.co.uk Vice Captain. Marie Ellison 01254 245568. Mob 07849 658154. email:ellison1951@yahoo.co.uk Cup Competitions 2025. Monday 2nd June. Ivy Heath Doubles @ Lower Darwen. Registration at 9-45am. Stat at 10-00am Raffle Prizes from all teams Please Monday 4th August. Florrie Hargreaves Trophy @Roe Lee Park Registration at 10-15am. Start at10-30am Round Robin Doubles. Monday 22nd September. Presenation Doubles @Olive Park. Registration 9-45am. Start at 10-00am Raffle Prizes from all teams please. Monday 6th October. Annual General Meeting at Roe Lee Cup Competitions 2024 Monday 3rd June. Ivy Heath Doubles @ Oswald Immanual Registration at 9-45am. Start at 10-00am Monday 5th August Florrie Hargreaves Trophy at Olive Park. Registration at1015am. Start 10-30am Monday 23rd September. Presentation Doubles at Olive Park Registration at 9-45am. Start at 10-00pm 2024 League Winners. Olive Park Monday 7th October Annual General Meeting, 1-00pm at Roe Lee Park Cup Competitions.2023 Monday 29th May. Ivy Heath Doubles at Whalley Registration at 9-45am. Start at 100-00am Monday 7th August. Florrie Hargreaves Trophy at Roe Lee Park Registration at 10-15am. Start at 10-30am Monday 18th September. Presentation Doubles at Olive Park Bowling Club Registration at 9-45am. Start at 10-00am 2023 Laegue Winners. Olive Park Annual General Meeting at Roe Lee. 1-00pm start. Cup Competitions. 2022 Monday 30th May. Ivy Heath Doubles @ East Lancs Club Winners: Wendy Cooper (Roe Lee) & Margaret Corden (Olive Park) Runners Up: Shirley Boothby (Lower Darwen Memorial) & Helen Meadows (Whalley) Losing Semi Finalists: Lorraine Brantwood (Feniscowles) & Derothy Whittle (Cherry Tree). Agnes Corban (Whalley) & Pat Riley (Olive Park) Monday 1st August. Florrie Hargreaves Trophy @ Roe Lee Park. Round Robin Doubles First: Maureen Gavhagan (Butlers) and Pat Riley (Olive Park). Second: Jennifer Baron (Olive Park) and Dorothy Slater (Roe Lee). Third: Sandra Wakefield (Whalley) and Ann Nelson (Whalley) Registration at 10-15am. Start at 1030am. Monday 19th September. Presentation Doubles @ Olive Park Bowling Club Registration at 9-45am. Start 10-00am. Raffle Prizes from all teams. 2022 League Winners. Olive Park Monday 3rd October. Annual General Meeting @ Roe Lee 1-00pm Start. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________