Bolton Mills Bowling Competition

Welcome to Bolton Mills Bowling Competition website.

Team Contacts
2nd Team Contacts
League Rules
Results Entry Guide
Lancashire Competitions
Mills 2024 Competitions

Useful Links:
BCGBA Website
Lancashire Website
BCGBA - Latest Newsletter
BCGBA Registration Form
BCGBA Development Plan
CGB Federation
Safeguarding Website

League admin



The Lancashire Mixed Pairs Competition date set for Sunday 28th July.

Mills Competitions venues and dates - click for poster and more information

The President's Plate was won by Brian Anderson on 29th June at OHCC. Brian beat Alex McColl in the final.

BCGBA & Lancashire Information on Competitions, Safe Guarding, Fundraising and many other topics can be found here.

The League is open to all ages and is non discriminatory. New Bowlers are always welcome.

The Bolton Mills Bowling Competition is made up of three sections with a maximum of 12 teams in each section. Each team consists of 8 players. Each Team has a 'Home' night of play and play Monday to Fridays in the evenings.

We hold our bi-monthly League meetings at Over Hulton Conservative Club generally on the 4th Wednesday of March, May, July and September, our Presentation Evening on the 2nd Wednesday in November and our AGM on the 4th Wednesday in January. We thank the management of Over Hulton Conservative Club for the support of our meetings. Meetings start at 8pm except when in the bowling season when they start at 8.30pm.

Please click the post holder to contact the League & Competitions Secretary - Clive Fenn; Results & Fixtures Secretary - Christine Wareing; & Website Manager - Clive Fenn 

Please use the left hand tabs for all team information.  

The Committee would like to wish all our teams and players a pleasant and successful season.

League Meetings

Lancs and BCGBA Notices

Barbara Jones - RIP

League Meetings

The next Meeting of the League will be the League Meeting on Wednesday, 24th July 2024 at Over Hulton Conservative Club at 8.30pm - this is a scheduled meeting.

Current list of Mills Officers, Mills Team Secretaries/Captains and Mills 2nd Team Contacts for the 2024 season.

Team Registration Form 2024

Agenda - 24th July 2024 League Meeting

Dates of future meetings (to be confirmed and subject to the availability of the venue). Meetings are usually held at Over Hulton Conservative Club at 8.00pm 

24th July 2024 League Meeting

25th September 2024 League Meeting

27th November 2024 Presentation Night

29th January 2025 AGM

Team Registration Form 2024


Previous Meetings

Draft Minutes of the League Meeting held on 22nd May 2024

Mills Competitions for 2024

Draft Minutes of the AGM held on 24th January 2024

Secretary's Report for the 2023 Season

The number of teams in each Section should be restricted to 10 teams. This proposal was changed to 12 teams in a section and passed by members present. This will mean we go back to 3 Sections in the League Competition.

That two weeks are allocated for the first two rounds of the team knock-out competitions. This proposal was also passed and weeks will be allocated for cup competions within the fixtures.

Trophy and Prize Winners for the 2023 season

Minutes of the League Meeting of 27th September 2023

Minutes of the League Meeting of 26th July 2023

Minutes of the League Meeting of 24th May 2023

Minutes of the League Meeting of 28th September 2022

AGM - 2023 Minutes

Secretary's Report

Treasurer's Report  - not being published

Proposal to reduce the size of a team from 10 players to 8 players.

Proposal to play the knockout Cup Competitions through the season.


Mills Prize Winners in 2022

Minutes of the League Meeting of 28th September 2022

Minutes of the League Meeting of 27th July

Minutes of the May League Meeting

AGM - 2022 Minutes

Secretary's Report

Mills Officers and Management Committee Members

List of prize winners for the 2021 Presentation 

Minutes of the League Meeting - September 2021

Minutes of League Meeting - June 2021

Minutes of League Meeting - July 2020

League Meeting Minutes - 29/7/20

AGM Minutes - 29/1/20

Balance Sheet for 2020  

Secretaries Report on 2019 Season

League Meeting Minutes - 25/9/19

League Meeting Minutes - 24/7/19  

League Meeting Minutes - 22/5/19

AGM Minutes - 23/1/19

League Competitions 2019

League Meeting Minutes - 26/9/18

League Meeting Minutes - 25/7/18

AGM Minutes - 24/1/18

Team Secretaries Meeting Minutes - 20/9/17  

Team Secretaries Meeting Minutes - 26/7/17  

Team Secretaries Meeting Minutes - 24/5/17  

Team Secretaries Meeting Minutes - 22/2/17

AGM Minutes - 25/1/17


Address and postcode for our future meetings

Over Hulton Conservative Club

St Helens Rd, Over Hulton, Bolton BL5 1AA

Phone: 01204 61384


(Thursday 18 July 2024)

Lancs and BCGBA Notices

The following are important emails sent from Lancashire, BCGBA and Bowls England. 

If you have come to this page from the BPVABA League or the Bolton & District League - to return to your league after reading please select the Bolton Leagues tab at the top of this page and click the appropriate league.

Lancs - Lancashire Mixed Pairs - Sunday 28th July at Golborne Parkside B.C. WA3 3HG. 10 am start.

Lancs - Lancashire Mens County Team Versus Derbishire County - Sunday 7th July 2024

Lancs - BCGBA - Survey Results - 10th June 2024

Lancs - Vets Merit Competition - Change of Date - 5th June 2024

Lancs - Junior Merit Competition - 4th June 2024

Lancs - BDA - Free Online Courses - 1st May 2024

Lancs - New Sport England Funding Announced - 29th April 2024

Lancs - Open Competitions - 25th March 2024

Lancs - Free Club Development Seminars offered - 4th March 2024

Lancs - Competitions update

Lancs - Safeguarding Training Course and DBS Checks - Coppull Conservative Club - 2nd March 2024

Lancs - County Team Players Meeting Dates  - Please see Ammended Dates here

BCGBA-Funding Advice on Grant Applications from Bowls Buddies Guide in pdf

BCGBA - If your club has any facilities that have been damaged by the recent floods / storms - Grants Available

BCGBA-Proposed Rule Changes for 2024 Season

BCGBA-Safeguarding Bulletin - Dec. 2023

BCGBA-Champion of Champion Results

BDA Vacancy in the North West

Level 1 Coaching - Last few places

Level 1 Coaching Course  Poster  

Lancashire Competition Winners Listing for the last 10 years

Latest Safeguarding Information - July 2023

Bolton Schools Tournament - at Darbishire Park

Lancashire Senior Merit Champion - Billy Speed and Duncan Watkins the Lancashire Veterans Merit Champion 

Lancashire Junior Merit Champion - Alfie Caterall - June 2023

Safeguarding Spot Checks - May 2023

Easy Fundraising News - March 2023

Free Online Courses to help you develop your Clubs - March 2023

Development Presentation - report and slides of meeting of 14th March 2023

Further Safeguarding Course The cost for the Safeguarding Training is £15 - please let Sandie Whittaker know you are planning to attend.

Lancashire Funding Guide

BigBowls Weekend

Easy Fundraising

Ian Gill - Lancashire Development Officer

BDA - Development Workshops

Level 2 Coaching 

Bowls England Newsletter

Lancashire Email requesting support for the Manchester Indoor Bowling Project


(Monday 8 July 2024)

Barbara Jones - RIP

It is with sadness I announce the passing of Barbara Jones who died suddenly at the end of last week. Barbara has been Secretary and Captain of Railway M for many years – her husband Malcolm will be devasted.


Barbara's funeral will be on Friday, 23rd February at Bolton Crematorium (West Chapel) off Chorley New Road at 2pm.


AFter the cremation Barbara's life will be celebrated at the Kings Head, Junction Road, Bolton


RIP Barbara - you will be sadly missed.

(Wednesday 7 February 2024)