Minutes of meeting held Thursday 12th August at Mere Parish Club
- Apologies for absence were received from Chris Grice (Treasurer) John Leah (Chelford) Stella Potts (Goostrey) Glenda Carroll (Knutsford) Swettenham were not represented.
- Minutes of previous meeting held 12th May were read and accepted. Proposed Carole Critchley (Church Inn) and seconded by Molly Sutton (Church Inn)
Matters arising - The Secretary confirmed that the new web site was now up and running. The site not only shows players and match results, but also allows the management committee to post items of interest, draws for our various competitions and news. Many thanks to the web master Ross Kavanagh for his help in putting on past league and competition winners. The only thing lacking at present is our inability to post photographs, however this feature may be available in the future.
- Officers Reports. The Chairman said that he had not been able to attend many league matches this season, but had managed to get to the competitions. The Treasurer had left word that this is the “quiet season” for financial matters but asked that club treasurers make every effort to pay the fees promptly at the end of the season. The Secretary asked for more care in completing the official score sheets as many are being forwarded incomplete, with dates, clubs and even names missing. He asked for particular care to be taken with regard to players with the same surnames and initials. He said that other local leagues fine clubs for incorrect sheets and if there was not an improvement he would be proposing that we do the same at next year’s AGM.
- New Players Handicaps. No new handicaps were proposed since no additional players had completed the mandatory games since the last meeting. Mike Grocott (Oughtrington) pointed out that there were many players without handicaps in their new ‘B’ team. The Secretary confirmed that handicaps had been calculated ready for our proposed meeting that was scheduled for 9th June and was cancelled. He promised to send a copy to the delegate for vetting.
- Mixed Pairs Draw. 22 entries this year for the event being hosted by the Swettenham Bowling Club. The draw took place and will be posted on the web site together with approximate start times.
- Jack Bryning Six-a-Side. 20 teams entered for this year's six-a-side team knockout for the Jack Bryning trophy. Again the draw will be posted on the web site as soon as venues have been confirmed.
- Presentation Evening. The Chairman reminded the meeting that the Presentation Evening would be held on Friday 25th November at the Victory Hall Memorial Club.
- Any Other Business. The Secretary reminded the meeting that it’s the members who make the rules not the Management Committee. We are merely custodians of the rules passed at the AGM and are a little irked that at the various league functions members complain at “your” rules. If any club, team or individual member wishes to propose a change of rule it should be done at the pre AGM meeting in January if a discussion would help, or a firm proposal to put to the AGM in February where providing it receives a seconder it will be put to the meeting for a vote. The Secretary reminded the meeting that our Chairman said at this year’s AGM that he would be stepping down at next year’s AGM due to health reasons and we need to find a replacement. He asked the delegates to liaise with their members and propose a replacement, but please do not propose someone without their permission.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.35pm.