Minutes of meeting held Thursday 16th August at Mere Parish Club
- Apologies for absence were received from Chris Grice (Treasurer) Ann Hodges (High Legh) All clubs were represented.
- Minutes of previous meeting held 21st June were read and accepted. Proposed Molly Sutton (Church Inn) seconded by Barry Rushton (Victory Hall)
Matters arising There were no matters arising..
- Officers Reports.
The Chairman had nothing to report. The Treasurer had left word that this is the "quiet season" for financial matters but asked that club treasurers make every effort to pay the fees promptly at the end of the season. The Secretary confirmed the current leaders of division one to be Knutsford 'A' with Victory Hall 'A' in second place and Swettenham third. Division two leaders are Railway 'B' with Conservative 'A' in second place and Victory Hall 'C' third. The Pairs competition held at Goostrey this year was won by the Railway pairing of Neil Cope & Matt Davies and runners up were Ian Palfreyman and Paula Stewart representing Chelford. He went on to say that following a decision at the 2011 AGM clubs hosting competitions were responsible for running them following the receipt of the order of play and start times. This includes providing jacks, mats and tapes. Checking in players and ensuring continuous play. Entering winners on the draw sheet and making new cards for each round. Encouraging clubs/competition entrants to assist with measuring but the host club to be responsible for all activities.
- Postponed Matches. The Secretary said that he was mindful of the inclement weather experienced during June and July, which resulted in the postponement of matches. However, there are still 8 games outstanding which is making the league tables meaningless. He reminded delegates that rule 5.7 (d) states that matches be played within 31 days of the scheduled fixture date. Consideration will be given to amending this rule to penalize teams not conforming to this rule at next year's AGM.
- New Players Handicaps Handicaps were agreed for new players who have now completed four games.
- Mixed Pairs Draw. 30 entries this year for the event being hosted by Mere Parish Club. The draw took place and will be posted on the web site together with approximate start times.
- Jack Bryning Six-a-Side. 16 teams entered for this year's six-a-side team knockout for the Jack Bryning trophy. Again the draw will be posted on the web site as soon as venues have been confirmed.
- Presentation Evening. The meeting was reminded that the Presentation Evening would be held on Friday 30th November at Mere Parish Club, and as usual clubs were asked to provide a prize for the raffle.
- Any Other Business. Derek Nicholls said that his club had received a bill from Cheshire County Bowling Association asking for their annual subscription and asked if this was a new charge. The Secretary said that since the league was affiliated to the CCBA all member clubs must pay the annual subscription.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.35pm