The chairman opened the meeting welcoming 27 members. A minutes silence was observed for members who had passed away during the last year.
Apologies for absence were received from Arthur Lamb (Goostrey) Terry Norman (Victory Hall) & Tony Davies (Railway) Victory Hall & Railway were not represented
The secretary read the minutes from the 35th AGM held 28th February 2013.
The Chairman thanked the clubs who hosted last year's competitions and thanks to good weather, competitive bowling and good food they were all a success. She also said that it was nice to see that many players stayed on to see the finals. She thanked the Treasurer and Secretary for their continued hard work and Mere for use of the room for our meetings and the Victory Hall for the use of the hall for Presentation Evening. She closed by wishing everyone a happy bowling season
The Treasurer distributed copies of the income and expenditure for the past year, which showed a bank balance of £478.23 a decrease of £131.02, this he said was mainly due to the lower than usual attendance at Presentation Evening which only broke even this year instead of the usual small profit. Bowling income was about the same as previous years, although prize money was higher than 2012 since the Jack Bryning competition was abandoned last year and no prize money paid. He said that there would be no need to increase greenage this year and recommended that all fees and prize money remain as 2013. He closed his remarks by confirming that the accounts had been audited and the books and bank statement was available for any member to inspect. A rebate will be payable this year and and he is to propose £11 per team, which will leave our bank balance at £214.23 in line with rule 6.3. Jim Gray (Chelford) asked why there was a large difference in receipts from the various member clubs. The Treasurer said that this was entirely due to the number of teams fielded by the clubs and competition entry fees. John Leah(Chelford) proposed the accounts be accepted. Seconded by Jim Gray Chelford)
The Secretary opened his remarks by thanking the team captains for their work organizing their respective teams and getting the results in promptly. He thanked Geoff Owen from Mere for his help in setting up the room for our meetings. He said that since prize money still exceeds entry fees a few more entries would be welcome. In conclusion he read a letter from Francis House Children's Hospice thanking us for our donation from our "guess the sweets in the jar" competition held on presentation evening.
Individual - Cranford Bowling Club - Sunday 8th June.
Pairs - Chelford Bowling Club - Saturday 5th July
Mixed Pairs - Railway Inn - Sunday 31st August
1. Rule 3.1
Present rule reads - Players to register for a team, not a club. Each player to play one game per night.
Amend to read:
As above plus... Should a match be rearranged players who competed on the original fixture date are not eligible to play for a different team in the rearranged match and vice versa
As this was just a clarification of the present rule no vote was taken.
2. Rule 5.7(c)
If for any reason a match is cancelled other than 5.7(b) both clubs should inform the League Secretary giving reasons for the cancellation. The Management Committee will decide which club(s) are in default and administer a fine or points deduction at it's discretion
Amend to read:
A team cannot cancel a match because they are unable to field the required 8 players, they must play with the number of players available
Proposed:- Warford Park Bowling Club Seconded:- Arthur Lamb (Goostrey)
Carried 16 for 0 against
3. Rule 5.3
League matches to commence at 7pm. The first three and last three matches of the season to commence at 6.15pm where a green has no lights.
Amend to read:
League matches to commence at 7pm. All matches in April and from 15th August to commence at 6pm where a green has no lights
Proposed:- Oughtrington Bowling Club
Carried 13 for 0 against
4. Rule 8.5
There are currently no handicap differentials for division 2 players competing in league individual and pairs competitions
Add new rule 8.5(c)
Division 2 players competing in the individual or pairs competitions should have their handicap reduced by 2 points
Proposed:- League Officers
Carried 14 for 0 against
5. Rule 12.2 Team Knockout
Present rule reads: Team handicap to be applied
The current differential is 2 points per team. Discussions at the recent pre AGM committee meeting looked at a 3, 4 and 5-point differential
Increase the spread to 4 points per team
Proposed:- League Officers
Carried 15 for 2 against
6. Introduce an Average winners prize for the best average player in each division
Proposed:- Bernard Mc.Lenaghan No seconder
No vote taken
7. Rebate
Rebate from 2013 Season (Paid 2014)
Recommend £11
Proposed by League Treasurer
Carried unanimously
8 Election of New Teams
Victory Hall 'C' have withdrawn from the league and reformed as Warford Park 'B' It is proposed that they be accepted into the league.
Proposed Management Committee
Carried unanimously
The were no nominations for officers and each had confirmed that they were prepared to stand again they were unanimously voted en-block
President Ken Barker
Chairman Carole Critchley
Secretary Alan Perks
Treasurer Chris Grice
Auditor Tony Wein
The chairman said that honoraria would rise by CPI (consumer price index) as agreed at last year's AGM
A registration form was included in the pack given out to team captains, which they were reminded to complete and return by 30th March.
The season will commence on 4th April with the preliminary round of the team knockout and league will matches start on 11th April.
The annual Presentation Evening will be held on Friday 28th November at Mere Parish Club
Ken Barker (Mere) proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman, Treasurer & Secretary for their hard work during the season.
League Meetings were confirmed as follows for 2014. Thursday 22nd May, Thursday 19thJune, Thursday 14th August
Team Knockout Draw The draw was completed and 16 teams will compete on 4th April for a place in the first round. The secretary will circulate the draw and it was left to the officers to decide on greens.
Club Contacts
Delegates were asked to notify the secretary of any changes in their club officials following their respective AGMs. As a matter of urgency please notify any change in captains and vice captains so that our fixture book contains the correct contact details.
The meeting closed at 8.55pm