Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 21 May 2015 At Mere Parish Club
President Ken Barker took the chair in the absence of our Chairman who had sent apologies.
The Chairman opened the meeting by asking for a minute’s silence in respect of Jim Holehouse who passed away on Tuesday.
- Apologies for absence were received from Chairman Carole Critchley, Molly Sutton (Church Inn) John Leah (Chelford) Derek Nicholls (Warford Park) John Glover (Swettenham) Bernard Mc.Lenaghan & Maryke Todd (Cranford). Chruch Inn, Chelford, Knutsford, Victory Hall & Warford Park were not represented.
- Minutes of previous meeting held on 29 January 2015 were read and accepted. Proposed Arthur Lamb (Goostrey) seconded Kath Perks (Cranford).
- Matters arising Arthur Lamb (Goostrey) asked what decision had been reached with running the six-a-side team knockout. The Secretary replied that this year as a trial the competition would be run as a pairs team knockout as agreed at the AGM.
- Officers’ Reports The Treasurer reported that the accounts had now been audited and signed off, and as usual the books were available for any member to see. The Secretary thanked the team captains for getting in the results on time so that a report could be sent to the local paper in time for publication.
- Handicaps. The latest handicap sheets were handed out and considered. No anomalies were highlighted. The Secretary said that following a decision at the 2014 AGM to reduce the handicap for division 2 players playing in competitions an anomaly had been highlighted. A few Knutsford League Men’s Division 1 & 2 players & Knutsford Ladies League Division 1(in other words “good” players) were competing in our second division and benefiting from the handicap reduction. This gives them an additional advantage that they don’t need. This should be considered at the 2016 AGM.
- Individual Competition. There were only 9 entries received for the competition. The secretary offered to e-mail the captains not present to see if we could improve on the entries. A short discussion took place and it was agreed that the Secretary had already sent out entry forms and shouldn’t have to do so again. It was therefore agreed to cancel this year’s competition. AS AN ASIDE SINCE THE MEETING THE SECRETARY HAS AGAIN RECEIVED ENQUIRES FROM MEMBER PLAYERS ASKING TO ENTER WHO SAID THAT THEY HAD NOT SEEN ANY ENTRY FORMS. How can we improve communications?
- Team Knockout. Documents for the next round of the team knockout were issued.
- Any Other Business. The Secretary asked the meeting if anyone had any views on handicapping for the Six-a-Side team knockout for this year as it is now being run as a pairs. Arthur Lamb (Goostrey) said that he thought the handicaps should be applied in the same manner as for our pairs competitions. The Secretary said that since so few were present perhaps a discussion should be held during the next meeting.
The meeting closed at 8.31pm.