Minutes of KFBL meeting held on 17 May 2018 held at Mere Parish Club.
- Apologies for Absence: apologies had been received from Ken Barker (President); Alan Perks (Secretary); Allan Burdett & Jack Stant (High Legh); Kath Perks & Julie Bason(Cranford); Mary Owen (Mere); Phil Goodier (Warford Park) & John Leah (Chelford)
- Minutes of Previous Meeting: The headings and main points from the meeting held on 25 January were outlined and the minutes were accepted.
- Matters arising: There were no matters arising that were not on the agenda of the current meeting.
- Officer’s reports: The officers had no reports other than the comments they would make on the current agenda items.
- Data Protection: to satisfy the General Data Protection Regulation, which comes into effect on 25 April 2018, the secretary had sent an email to ask if those club members (mainly captains, secretaries and treasurers) for whom the league held electronic data, were content that the league may continue to do so. The secretary had asked for a reply indicating permission or refusal. He would like all to reply as a nil response led to the unsatisfactory result of his having to assume permission by ‘default’.
- Succession of Officers: The meeting was reminded of the policy for the succession of officers, which had been outlined in previous meetings. There had been no indication of any ‘volunteers’ to take on the duty of the first officer to resign under the policy ie the treasurer. Chris G. made a further appeal for a volunteer(s), commenting that he would leave after his final presentation of the accounts at the AGM on 28 February 2019, commenting that without a treasurer and secretary the league may have to be disbanded.
- Handicaps for 2018: Copies of the sheet listing individual handicaps were distributed. There were no ‘challenges’ to the listed handicaps but there was one person who had entered the individual competition who did not have a handicap (a new player) and one who was not listed even though they had played 5 games this season. These would be drawn to Alan Ps attention on his return.
- Individual Competition: There were 34 entries for the competition with the preliminary rounds to be played on 1 June with the final at the Church inn on Sunday 3 June. Refreshments would be available. A draw for 4 players to play a preliminary round with the remaining 30 plus the 2 prelim winners to play in round 1. Details of these and match locations to be circulated by the secretary on his return.
- Presentation Evening: There had been suggestions that a new format should be devised with a request by Carole C for volunteers to discuss this in a working party. Little progress had been made with this and the meeting’s view was that plans should go ahead for the next presentation evening to be organised on the same format as previous years with an option for this or future years to be changed if members required that, (or any progress was made with a working party). A provisional booking had been made at Mere for 23 November and Chris was able to confirm that subject to an imminent Mere management meeting that could be confirmed at the same price as last year. After the meeting he advised the Mere Chairman of this now firm request.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 08.45pm.