Minutes of meeting held 16th August 2018 at Mere Bowling Club
The meeting opened with a tribute to past Chairman Don Booth who passed away recently.
- Apologies for absence. Chris Grice (Treasurer) Ken Barker (President) John Leah (Chelford) Jill Caveney (Church Inn) Allan Burdett (High Legh) Ron Dawson (Mere) Julie Bason (Cranford) and Phil Goodier. Mere & Victory Hall were not represented.
- Minutes of previous meeting held 17th May were published on the web site and the Secretary highlighted two points which would be discussed under items 9 and 10 on the agenda.
- Matters Arising. There were no matters arising
- Officers Reports. The Treasurer left word that the finances are in order, this being the quiet season as regards financial matters, but reiterated that end of season bills would be out when the season ends and as usual asked for prompt payment. The Secretary said that all matches were up to date bar one which is scheduled for next week.
- New Players Handicaps.. Handicaps were agreed for 8 players who have now completed in excess of 4 games.
- Mixed Pairs Draw.. The draw took place for this year’s competition. Preliminary rounds will take place on Friday 31st August, the draw and venue will be posted on the web site. Warford Park Bowling Club will host the final day on Sunday 2nd September commencing at 12.30pm.
- Jack Bryning.. 14 teams entered for the Jack Bryning floodlit pairs competition and the draw took place. The first round will take place on Thursday 20th September. Qualifying teams from round one will play round 2 at Knutsford Bowling Club on Monday or Tuesday 24/25th September with the semi-final on Thursday 27th September. The final and third place playoff will take place on Sunday 30th September. All evening games to commence at 6.30pm. Final days play commences at 12.30pm.
- Presentation Evening. The Chairman informed the meeting with the ever-increasing cost of food this year we would not be providing a buffet. Instead members would be invited to bring along savories and sweets for their club table. As usual tables will be arranged so that clubs can sit together and share their own buffet. Tickets will be priced at £2.50 to cover room hire and incidentals. A raffle will be held, but this year we ask that both clubs and members don’t bring along prizes as your generosity has proved a bit of an embarrassment dragging out the presentation. Instead this year we will rebate each team £5 less and use the rebate saved to purchase fewer higher value prizes. Additionally, there will be a quiz. Presentation evening is Friday 23rd November
- Officer Vacancies. This item has been on the agenda at all meetings this year and to date we have not had any volunteers. Both the President and Treasurer have said that they will stand down at next year’s Annual General Meeting. We could continue if no nominations are received for the Presidents role, but we cannot continue without a Treasurer. The Officers have approached members asking if they were willing to serve without success. The Chairman said that we have over 300 registered players – will no one step forward and give up a little of their time, or are they prepared to let the league fold? Derek Hurdle (Goostrey) said that doing nothing was not an option and suggested using a firm of accountants and paying for the service. The Secretary said that this sounded like a costly option – Jack Stant (High Legh) volunteered to approach a family member who had such a practice to try to get an estimate of the cost. The Chairman urged those present to get around their clubs to seek a volunteer. No solution means no league, and the meeting on January 24th next year will be to consider what we do with the assets, trophies etc. instead of planning the 2019 season.
- Any Other Business
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45pm