A minute’s silence was observed for those members who had passed away during the last 2 years.
Tracey Goodwin (Secretary,) Carole Critchley (Chairman), Chris Grice (President), Peter Hindle (Swettenham), Helen Jennings (Mere), Peter Bromiley (Oughtrington), Allan Burdett (High Legh), Derek Hurdle (Goostrey), Brian Jones (Railway Inn), Dennis Robinson (Warford Park), Glenise Barnett and David Mee (Knutsford Bowling Club).
Ann Penson (Treasurer), John Leah (Chelford Bowling Club). The Victory Hall were not represented.
The minutes of 2020 AGM were posted on the website and agreed to be a true record.
The Chairman thanked Officers and members for their continued support over the last year. She asked that clubs ensure that their members are registered with the League before they start bowling. There were some instances last year where bowlers were not registered.She closed her remarks wishing everyone a good season.
The Treasurer was not in attendance, so Chris Grice discussed the income and expenditure for the past year which showed a bank balance of £652.83. He briefly went through the figures and as he sees no changes in either income or expenditure for 2021 he proposed a rebate for all teams that took part last year.
The Secretary thanked Knutsford Bowling Club for their hospitality.
Individual - Prelims 10/06/22, Finals 12/06/22 at Mere
Pairs - Prelims 1/7/22, Finals 3/7/22 at Goostrey
Jack Bryning/Mixed Pairs - Prelims 26/08/22, Finals 27th or 28/08/22 at High Legh. All competitions dates and venues are still to be confirmed pending availabilityof the greens. Prelims will be held on various greens, to be arranged nearer the time.
Committee - Seek to change rule 1.2 - Officers to to attend meeting and representatives from each club to liaise by email. Including competition draws. Majority agreed.
Handbooks - to not print handbooks unless individual clubs want to pay for them to be printed. Put rules on website. Majority Agreed.
Crosstown Bowling Club - have applied to join the league. All members in favour.
Railway Inn - proposed the doubling up rule (introduced last year to help with a shortage of players during the pandemic), be kept. Vote taken - 10 for and 2 against. Agreed to try for one season. Peter Hindle requested a draft of the written rule to sent to members for checking before finalising.
Oughtrington A - want to propose random selection for a team with a player short. All members in favour.
The Secretary encouraged members to organise and take part, encouraging new bowlers to join their clubs. All clubs have been sent a link which they can click on and register their interest.
There were no nominations for officers and and each had confirmed that they were prepared to stand again, they were unanimously voted on-block. The president announced he would retire at the end of the year.
Honoraria will be increased by C.P.I. (consumer price index) as agreed at the 2012 AGM.
If clubs/teams have new players please advice in writing together with their BCGBA and CCBA registration numbers.Players must not play without being registered. The secretary reminded clubs players are registered to a team, not a club. Each player to play one game per night (unless the double up is voted in). Players can not move between teams within a club (rule 3.2).
to commence on Friday April 8th with first league match.
Propose to hold the evening on Friday 25th November at Mere. Raffle prizes £5 a team plus a bottle. Ticket prices £3.00. To be confirmed.
Team captains, vice captains, club secretaries and treasurers, please send contact details if changed.