A minutes silence was observed for those members who have sadly passed away during the last year.
Tracey Goodwin (Secretary,) Carole Critchley (Chairman), Chris Grice (President), , Helen Jennings (Mere), Peter Bromiley (Oughtrington), Allan Burdett (High Legh), Derek Hurdle (Goostrey), Brian Jones (Railway Inn) Dorothy Billany (Cranford) R Mansell (Chelford), B Eades (Chelford), J Stant (High Legh), A Edwards (Victory Hall), J Caveney (Church Inn), Heather O Hanlon (Crosstown), Fred Taylor (Oughtrington), Helen Jennings (Mere), Stephanie Dawson (Mere), John Leah (Chelford), Kath and Alan Perks (Cranford)
Ann Penson (Treasurer), David Mee (KBC), Hazel Crook (KBC), Ken Heaton (Goostrey BC), Peter Hindle (Swettenham BC), Celia Brown (Railway BC).
The minutes of 2022 AGM were agreed to be a true record.
The Chairman thanked Officers and members for their continued support over the last year. She thanked the retiring President Chris Grice for his many years of service. She closed her remarks wishing everyone a good season.
The Treasurer was not in attendance, so Carole Critchley discussed the income and expenditure for the past year which showed a bank balance of £642.39. She briefly went through the figures and as she sees no changes in either income or expenditure for 2022 she proposed a rebate for all teams that took part last year.
The Secretary thanked those clubs that have offered places for Warford Park bowlers. She thanked Mere Bowling Club for their hospitality.
Individual - 11th June at Swettenham BC.
Pairs - 2nd July at Mere BC.
Mixed Pairs 6th August at KBC
Jack Bryning – Triple’s Competition venue to be arranged. All competitions dates and venues are still to be confirmed pending availability of the greens.
1. New Team - Fred Taylor from Oughtrington B C wants to rejoin the league bringing back a ‘B’ team. Majority agreed.
2. Nomination - Dorothy Billany has been nominated for the Presidents position this was proposed by Alan Perks from Cranford BC and seconded by Ken Barker from Mere B C. Majority agreed.
3. Rule Change - Rule change submitted by Cranford BC - Rule 3.3 The final date for registrations will be 1st July each year.
Amendment to rule 3.3 The final date for registrations will be 1st July each year. After 1 July additional registrations will be accepted providing that those registered players have received new registration numbers from the BCGBA in the current calendar year. Majority agreed.
4. The secretary would like to propose that all competitions are run solely at the weekends and not on Fridays. If we have more than 32 entries the prelims will take place on the Saturday before the competition on neutral greens, to be arranged. Majority agreed.
5. The secretary would like to propose using part of the funds raised during the year from raffle ticket sales, to provide entertainment at the Presentation evening. This proposal was discussed briefly but members were more interested in having food/buffet provided. 13 members voted for having food provided and 9 members against. The secretary agreed to get quotes from caters before the next presentation evening.
Dorothy Billany was elected as President. There were no other nominations for officers, Carole Critchley and Tracey Goodwin agreed to stand for one more year, they were unanimously voted on-block.
Honoraria will be increased by C.P.I. (consumer price index) as agreed at the 2012 AGM.
The secretary reminded members that all players who played any league match in 2022 will automatically be registered for 2023. Those who were registered last year but did not play will not be registered unless the teams/clubs advise. If clubs/teams have new players please advice in writing together with their BCGBA and CCBA registration numbers. Players must not play without being registered.
to commence on Friday April 14th with first league match.
Propose to hold the evening on Friday 24th November at Mere. Raffle prizes £10. Ticket prices to be confirmed once catering quotes are received.
Team captains, vice captains, club secretaries and treasurers, please send contact details if changed.