Knutsford Friday Bowling League

Minutes of the 46th AGM of the Knutsford Friday Bowling League held at Mere Bowling Club at 7pm on Friday 7th March.

Members Present:

Helen Jennings (Mere), Ann Penson, Brian Jones & Jen Wills (Railway), Jackie Poskitt, Keith Poskitt & David Mee (Knutsford), Jean Mason & Jackie Springall ( High Legh), Kath & Alan Perks (Cranford), Derek Hurdle (Goostrey), Fred Taylor (Oughtrington), Steve Worral & Ken Brenner ( Mersey Valley), Roger Mansell & Barbara Eades (Chelford),Sylvia Buckley & Bruce Tulley (Victory Hall), Heather O’Hanlon (Crosstown), Jill & Dan Caveney, Neil Runciman, Carol Critchley & Sue Bellamy (Church)

1, Election of Officers:

The election of officers was addressed first as there was no Chairman or Secretary in office.

Chairman: Bruce Tulley.
Nominated by Heather O’Hanlon - Crosstown
Seconded by Sue Bellamy
Elected unanimously.

Treasurer: Ann Penson seeking a further term of office
Nominated by Carol Critchley – Church Inn
Seconded by David Mee - Knutsford
Elected unanimously

Secretary: Jen Wills
Nominated by Brian Jones - Railway
Seconded by Sue Bellamy – Sylvia Buckley – Victory Hall
Elected unanimously

President: There were no nominations so the Chairman requested that all members actively consider nominations before the next AGM.

A minute of silence was held for all members who had died during the last year.

2. Apologies for Absence

Sweetenham Club, Justine Leigh (Victory Hall), Julie Jenkins (Chelford), John Groves (Oughtrington), Steph Dawson (Mere) and Celia Brown (Railway).

3. Minutes of 2024 AGM:

The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as a true record following the addition of Jill and Dan Caveney to the list of those present.

4. Chairman’s Report:

The new Chairman extended his sympathy in memory of those members who had died during the previous year, in particular, recalling the founder member Ken Barker.

He pointed out the absence of some clubs at the Presentation evening, and lack of support for the Mixed Pairs competition and urged all clubs to support if possible.

He wished everyone an enjoyable friendly Friday evening bowling.

5. Treasurer’s Report:

The treasurer explained that the Honoraria had not been increased by the Consumer Price Index (CBI) for some years but would be addressed in the coming year. The need for League insurance was questioned, as all clubs must be insured, but it was agreed to continue. Sylvia Buckley nominated the adoption of the Financial Report, it was seconded by Alan Perks and unanimously agreed. It will be available on the website.

6. Secretary’s Report:

The Secretary apologised for her inactivity during the previous months as she hadn’t realised that she was in office. She thanked everyone for their welcome and their support during this unusual time and asked that the support continue as she was new to the role.

The secretary congratulated the winners of both leagues, competitions and those who has topped the averages. She highlighted the splendid achievement of Mersey Valley who, in their first season, had 4 out of the first 5 players topping the averages in Division 2.

7. Competition Venues & Dates:

IndividualRailway8th JuneBar food and drinks available
PairsChelford6th JulyBar food and drinks available
Mixed PairsChurch Inn3rd AugustBar food and drinks available
John BryningHigh Legh21st SeptemberBar food and drinks available

The secretary reminded the hosts that it is their responsibility to provide tapes and measurers and to run the event if possible. She asked that all clubs support these events.

8. Proposals

NB. Voting rights are not set out in the Rules, so, for this meeting only, the Chairman suggested that all those present would be allowed to vote.

This matter to be addressed at the next AGM

Committee Proposals:

Rule Changes:

Amend 1.2. It will be managed by a committee elected at the AGM and consist of:
President, Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary (who shall all serve a maximum of 5 years, although no restriction on any officer seeking re-election for the following 5 years); and say 4/5 representatives from the teams.
and say 4/5 representatives from the teams.

Rejected. But following a lengthy discussion it was agreed that the following be added:
All teams be notified of dates of the Committee meetings prior to the Competitions and be invited to send a representative.

Add 1.5. To maintain even numbers of teams in each division, at the discretion of the management committee, the bottom 2 teams in Division 1 to move to Division 2 and the top 2 teams in Division 2 to be promoted to Division 1. Any new teams to be allocated to divisions by the Committee.

Amend 3.1. Remove: “and vice versa” and
Add: The penalty for breaching this rule is:
the offending player will forfeit any points scored and the opposing player will be awarded 21 points.

Amend 5.7.(e) Remove: “this is limited to 3 times a year”
Add: The player playing twice must be chosen randomly.
Adopted with addition of;
Proposed by Cranford
Seconded by Church Inn B:

PRESENT RULE - Rule 5.7 (e) When a team is short only one player may play twice, this is limited to 3 times during a season

Propose the following addition

5.7 (f) The player playing twice must be drawn at random from the first 4 blocks. The first four players cards are to be placed face down and one card drawn by the opposing captain and that player will then play again in the second half of the match and a new card made out for the first four draw.

Amend 8.5.(b) Handicap of minus 1 for players playing on home green.

Amend 8.5.(c) Handicap of +2 points for Division 2 players.

Amend 9.1.(b) Should read Rule 8.5.(c) does not apply

Amend 10.1. (c) Should read Rule 8.5.(c) does not apply

Amend 11. Should read(….. his/her handicap amended by -2 points ….)

New Teams:

  1. LMRCA has applied to join Div 2
  2. Mersey Valley has applied to enter a second team – Mersey Valley

Team Proposals

Proposed by Victory Hall A:
Seconded by Mersey Valley
“A £20 prize be given be given to the winning average player of each division”
Rejected As the ethos of this League is “friendly” the majority thought that recognition on the Honours Board is sufficient.

Proposed by Cranford
Seconded by Church Inn B:
PRESENT RULE - Rule 3.2 Players can move between teams within a club
3.2 (a) Players must start the season playing for the team which they are registered or for a higher team.
3.2 (b) Players may only play for a team in a lower division or the same division if after having played 4 games they have a minus average. There will be no restriction on a player from a lower team playing up to a higher division, or to a team higher placed in the same division, but if after having played 4 games they have a plus average in the higher division or higher team they can’t then play for the lower team until their average becomes minus.

9. Presentation Evening:

The date of this important event will be 21st November 2025 and will be held at Mere Bowling Club.

Following a lengthy discussion, the decision taken at the last AGM, to have a catered meal, was upheld by a vast majority.

The Secretary to secure catering quotes and the Committee to ponder ways to liven up last years “dismal” event.

To overcome the financial risks, each club will be allocated 4 tickets which must be paid for.

10. Honoraria

It was agreed to increase by CPI.

11. Registrations

The Secretary informed the meeting that she had sought assistance from Ross Kavanagh to discover if clubs could do their own registrations.

12. Start of the Season:

The season will commence on 11th April 2025

13. Date of next AGM:

The 47th AGM will be held on Friday 30th January 2026

14. Dates of League Meetings:

To be arranged by the Committee prior to the Competitions and shared with all Team Captains.

15. A.O.B.


Mersey Valley requested that the Rules be updated and made available. The Secretary assured the meeting that this would be done asap.


  1. Confidentiality:
    The Secretary informed the meeting that she was concerned that personal details are available on the public area of the website and had approached the webmaster for advice. The contact information needs be stored securely but with access to it by the Captains and Vice Captains.
  2. Registrations:
    The Secretary has approached the webmaster to ascertain whether or not it is possible for Captains to manage their own registrations.

The meeting closed at 8.45pm.