It will be affiliated to the Cheshire County Bowling Association;
It will be managed by a Committee elected at the AGM and consist of: President, Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary, who shall all serve a maximum of 5 years, although there will be no restriction on any officer seeking re-election for a further 5 year term;
The Committee will extend an invitation to all Team Captains to attend League meetings;
All greens of the member clubs to be within a 9 mile radius from the centre of Knutsford (Cranford Bowling Club);
All matches to be played in accordance with the British Crown Green Bowling Association “Laws of the Game”; and
To maintain even numbers of teams in each division, and, at the discretion of the Committee, the bottom 2 teams in Division 1 will move to Division 2, and the top 2 teams in Division 2 will be promoted to Division 1. Any new teas to be allocated to divisions by the Committee.
The aim of the league is to encourage new bowlers in conjunction with a social evening.
Players are to register for a team NOT a Club. Each player to play 1 game per evening. Should a match be rearranged, players who competed on the original fixture date are not eligible to play for a different in the rearranged match. The penalty for breaching this rule is: The offending player will forfeit any points scored and the opposing player will be awarded 21 points;
Players must start the season playing for the team for which they are registered, or for a higher team;
Players may only play for a team in a lower division, or the same division if after having played 4 games they have a minus average. There will be no restriction on a player from a lower team playing up to a higher division, or to a team the same division, BUT, if after 4 games they have a plus average in the higher division, they then cannot play in the lower division until their average becomes minus; and
The final date for registrations will be 1st July each year. After this date additional registrations will only be accepted for players who receive registration numbers from the BCGBA in the current calendar year.
All players to be given a handicap based on the previous seasons results, and will be applied to the individual and pairs competitions;
New player registrations(not previously played in the league) will be 8reviewed after 4 games. If a player of unknown ability is registered, they will be given a “scratch” handicap, which will be reviewed after 3 games;
All teams will be 8 a side for league fixtures;
All matches, both league fixtures and competitions will be played to 21 up;
League matches to commence at 7.00pm, except all matches in April and from 15th August to commence at 6.30pm where a green does not have lights;
Match players to be declared and entered on the team sheet no later than 45minutes after the official start time;
3 jacks to be maintained during the match;
No practice is allowed to visiting teams;
Matches to be played on the fixture dates with the following exceptions:
Teams can mutually agree to play the match before the date shown in the fixture book;
The green is unfit before the start of play due to inclement weather;
A team cannot cancel a match because they are unable to field the required 8 players, they must play with the number of players available;
In the case of (b) , the home team Captain must, within5 days of the fixture date, offer the away team captain a choice of 3 alternative dates that are not more than 28 days after the original published date. The away team Captain then has 5 days to accept one of these dates. The home team Captain must keep the League Secretary informed of all developments. If the match is not played within 28 days, the Committee will choose a date and order the match to be played on that date;
When a team is short, only 1 player may play twice.; and
The player playing twice must be drawn at random from the first 4 blocks. The first 4 players cards are to be placed face down and 1 card drawn by the opposing Captain, and that player will then play again in the second half of the match and a new card made out for the first 4 draw;
Merit trophies to be won by the teams in each section with the highest number of aggregated points.
Greenage for league matches will be £2.80 per match;
Competition entry fees and prize monies:
The Individual and Pairs competitions are £1 per match;
Details of competition prizes are available on the League website. Prize monies will be agreed at the AGM and will be paid at the annual Presentation event. Prize winners or their representatives are expected to collect their prize in person. Any prize not collected without a reason accepted by the Committee, will be forfeited to the League accounts;
The balance at the bank to be restricted to £400, after the season’s expenses have been paid. The remainder to be divided between the teams playing in that season.
Host clubs to run the League Competitions. Following receipt of the drawer, order of play and strike out times, the host will be responsible for ensuring continuous and play.
Qualifying games: 2 games for new players and previous season’s players to have played 50% of league games to date of the draw;
Entries to be with the Secretary on the morning of the draw which will take place at the Committee meeting prior to the competition;
A substitute player is allowed to enter prior to the first game of the competition;
Competitions to be held on different greens in rotation;
Handicaps to apply;
The previous year’s winner minus 2 points and the runner-up minus 1 point;
Handicap of minus 1 for players on home green; and
Division 2 payers will have their handicap increased by 2 points.
Strikeout time when called;
A practice of 5 ends will be allowed for any player having a bye on the day of the competition;
Rules as for Individual Competition except for:
Pairs need not be registered with the same club; and
Rule 8.5(c) does not apply to Pairs Competition.
Rules apply as for Individual Competition except for:
Pairs must be mixed, i.e. 1 female and 1 male;
Pairs need not be registered with the same club; and
Rule 8.5.(c) does not apply to Mixed Pairs Competition.
If any player who enters a competition and fails to appear after the draw has been made, and cannot give a valid reason for their non-appearance, shall have their handicap reduced by 2 points for the remainder of the season, when playing in both Individual or Pairs Competitions.