The name of the League shall be “Sale Ladies Bowling League” (hereinafter called the League) and shall be affiliated to the Cheshire County Ladies Bowling Association (CCLBA) and through them to the BCGBA.
The aim of the League shall be to promote, organise and govern amateur crown green bowling to benefit the health and well-being of local ladies, whilst raising money for charity.
The Management of the League shall be vested in the Management Committee, which shall consist of the Executive Committee (Chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer), plus one representative from each club - to be known as the League Delegate - and the League Delegate for CCLBA.
The Chairman shall have only a casting vote.
Six members of the Management Committee shall constitute a quorum.
The League shall have a President. This shall be an honorary position, with no voting rights, to be held at the discretion of the incumbent for between 2 and 5 years.
The Executive Committee shall be elected by ballot at the Annual General Meeting and each member shall hold office for a designated period, namely:
Chairman - a minimum of 2 years
Asst Secretary / Secretary - 1 year as Assistant followed by l year as Secretary.
Assistant Secretary (to become Secretary the following year) shall be nominated by each club annually on a rotation basis.
Asst Treasurer / Treasurer - 1 year as Assistant followed by 2 years as Treasurer and a final year as Consultant/Advisor (a maximum of 4 years)
Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer shall be nominated from different clubs.
Membership of the League shall be: -
Through a bowling club affiliated to the League (having paid the appropriate registration fee), or by
Life Membership.
To be nominated as a Life Member the nominee should be proved to have given exceptional service to both their club and to the League.
Nominations to be proposed by a club, in writing, to the Management Committee for approval.
Any complaint to the League shall first be conducted through the club’s League Delegate (and, if appropriate, informing the club’s Safeguarding Officer) to the League Secretary, before following the BCGBA Guidelines for Disciplinary Procedures.
The AGM shall be held in November each year. Other meetings shall be called by the Management Committee.
The Executive Committee may call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) at any time OR upon receiving a request to that effect, in writing, signed by a majority of the League Delegates.
Club affiliation and registration fees, honorariums and prize monies shall be decided annually at the AGM.
The annual accounts of the League shall be independently reviewed, and copies of the balance sheet shall be given to all members at the AGM.
Custody of League documents shall be as follows: -
Treasurer to hold all monies.
Secretary to hold all Minutes, Constitution, Rules, and Byelaws.
Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer’s signature to be valid on League Bank Account Mandate. 2 out of 3 signatures needed.
Nominations for selection of members to the Executive Committee, or any proposals for alterations to the Constitution, Rules or Byelaws, should be received by the Secretary, in writing, by a date specified at the beginning of the season and confirmed on the League Website and in the League Handbook.
The proposals shall be voted on at the AGM with each club having one vote.
Each club may put forward only one proposal per season. No proposal, if rejected at the AGM, may be resubmitted the following year in the same form.
Minutes of all meetings, including sub-committees, shall be kept, and formally adopted.
The League may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a majority of members present and voting at an EGM convened for the purpose.
Any assets remaining after the settling of any debts and liabilities shall be applied towards charitable bodies. Such charitable bodies to be decided and approved by the aforesaid majority.