Members must have been registered for 7 days prior to entering any Sale Ladies Bowling League (SLBL) event or match. A club playing an unregistered player shall forfeit that player’s score, plus a 21-point penalty.
If a team can field at least 5 players the match may not be cancelled.
When a club is unable to field a team (ie. has less than 5 players) the opposing team must be given a minimum of 24 hours notice.
A re-scheduled match must be played within 28 days. If this is not possible within the time scale, the club which was unable to field a team forfeits the match.
All games to be played according to BCGBA rules.
All jacks to be standard, as per BCGBA rules, and tested every 7 years.
No less than THREE jacks shall be placed on the green at the start of the game.
The minimum mark shall be 19 metres and the maximum 38 metres.
All matches to commence at 1.30pm. All players, including reserves, must be present at 1.20pm for the draw to be made. If a player or reserve is not present, the opponent may claim the chalks. When a walkover occurs, the team claims 21 points and their player receives +6 on her aggregate and this counts as having played in that match.
No draw, once completed, may be altered.
There shall be 7 players per side; games are 21 up and total chalks shall decide the game.
No practice is allowed within 1 hour before the start of the game.
Visiting team to take the jack at the start of the game.
Markers must sit together and agree each other’s scorecard every 3rd end. Where the score cannot be agreed by the markers or players, the score shall revert to the end where both scorecards show the score to be in agreement. When no agreement can be reached, the matter is to be referred to the captains.
No player shall leave sight of the green until her game is completed, except by permission of the two captains.
Mobile phones are not allowed on the green. Should a player fail to comply, that player shall forfeit the game. The offender will receive no further score and the opponent will receive maximum points.
A player transferring to another team within SLBL takes her aggregate with her. This remains for a limit of 2 years only. After that time, she will be considered to be a new player. (See also Aggregate Match Play).
The Aggregate cup winner must have played in a minimum of 17 games, including the last 2 games of the season.
Players who are potential Aggregate Cup winners must be allowed to play in the last 2 matches.
When a team is short of players, they may play two players twice. Efforts should be made to find as many players as possible who are prepared to play twice , so that a draw may be made by the opposing captain. Otherwise, a captain must nominate at least three players for the draw. (See also Aggregate Match Play).
When a team (X) is short by one player, but can make a full team with someone playing twice, but the opposing team (Y) is unable to make a full team even with someone playing twice, then the second game of the (X) team player should be counted as a walkover and placed at the bottom of the playing order (Aggregate Match Play), or not included in the draw (Draw Match Play).
When a player has to play twice, the better score from the two games goes towards her aggregate. Her TEAM gain the points scored in BOTH games.
The second opponent may have up to 5 ends ‘roll-up’ before play begins.
Anyone playing in the last match must have played in a minimum of 4 matches during the season.
The home captain decides the order of play, but should make allowances for a request from the visiting captain.
In the event of teams tying on points for the championship and runner-up, the team with the least points against them will be declared champions. If still a tie, then a match is to be played on a neutral green to decide the championship and runner-up.
The playing order for League matches (Aggregate or Draw) will be decided by a vote to be taken annually at each Club’s AGM and the result given at the League AGM. There is 1 vote per club.
When the draw is made by aggregate scores, new players do not have an aggregate until they have played their first game. They do not play off scratch. They should be placed at the bottom of the team sheet for their first game and annotated NP.
Players who are playing off scratch should be played in the correct aggregate position; below the Plus Aggregate players and above the Minus Aggregate players, or between the two.
When a player, pre-agreed, plays TWICE, her first game is played in the correct aggregate position. Her second game is played against the player whose aggregate position is directly below that of her first opponent.
When a player plays her first game of the season the aggregate with which she ended the previous year is used to determine her playing position. This aggregate should not be added to the result of her first game to determine her aggregate for the following week.
Captains hand their 7 cards to the opposing captain to be shuffled. The cards are then returned and placed, alternately, face down – 1 card from home team, then 1 card from visiting team. Cards are turned over and the name of the opposing player is written on each card. If a full team is not fielded, 7 cards still go into the draw, including blanks, so that walkovers are given at random.
When a player, pre-agreed, plays TWICE, then two cards bearing her name are entered into the draw.
If a full team cannot be fielded, then great care must be taken to ensure that anyone in line to win the Aggregate Cup MUST play twice in the last 2 matches of the season.
Inclement Weather
The home captain will ask all those present who are bowling (no earlier than 1.50pm) to vote for a decision to play or postpone.
The green can be tested by sending out the jack and one wood.
In the case of a split vote, the home captain makes the final decision.
Any cancelled match must be played within a maximum of 28 days.
If no draw took place or the match wasn’t started, a new team may be selected.
If a game has started, the same players must play in the re-arranged match.
If one of the pair is unable to attend, her score stands and the opponent scores 21.
In the event of a National Weather Warning of excessive heat, matches should be re-arranged within 28 days.
Damaged Green
If a green is so badly damaged as to make it unplayable, the home captain is to reschedule the match within 28 days, on an alternative neutral green.
Cup competitions may vary annually subject to proposal from the Management Committee (Executive Committee and League Delegates) and ratification at the AGM.
Start time of cups will vary, dependent upon the cup being played and will be notified on the fixture list.
A handicap system to be used in all cup competitions, with the exception of the Pairs.
The current holder of the cup to play off scratch and all other entrants to have +5 on the card. This will include the final, unless neither finalist is a previous winner, in which case they both play 21 up.
Late entries to the Secretary will be allowed up to one week prior to an event, with the exception of an all-day competition, when entrants will be accepted on the day.
In the case of re-scheduled League cups (not League matches) non-registration on the first day will disqualify a player from that event.
Any player having entered and played in any cup competition in the League competitions as listed on the fixtures list, with a minus aggregate, is eligible to play in the Consolation Cup.