General: Admin: |
Welcome to the web site of the St Helens and District Churches Bowling League. Chairman George Bishop Treasurer Ben Mallett Secretary No Details (INFOSEC) Email : Fixture & results Secretary John Pye Email : Please contact Fixture secretary for information RE this Website Email : Due to INFOSEC Rules Some players have requested their details are not shown on this web site.
Rule Change regarding when a team is shortA player from the first three singles games can be nominated by the opposing captainto play again if a team is short of players. The opposing captain must nominate a player who has not already played. The opponents will be given a 5 chalks start and will be given the jack for the first end Declaration of being a player short should be made at the point of doing the first four cards. This ruling can only be used once in any one game. If a team is two or more players short the result for these additional missing players will be a walk over for the opponent. Should the player selected be unwilling to play twice, that game will also be deemed a walk over. A facility is included on the website for the player to be named as A Nother for his/her second game. If both teams are short no additional games will be played and the missing players will be shown as absent | |
(Tuesday 8 October 2024) | |
Season Start TimesUnless the club has floodlights start times are as follows:- April 6.00pm May - July 6.30pm August 6.15pm September 6.00pm Clubs with Floodlights are: Windle, Police, Unison All Saints, Unison Church and Lane Ends.For these clubs all start times are 6.30pm | |
(Wednesday 8 February 2023) | |
BCGBA Club Registration form | |
(Tuesday 23 March 2021) |