St Helens and District Churches Bowling League

St Helens and District League
CG League Web Site
Merseyside Bowling Association BCGBA
Newton and District League
User Guide entering results

League admin

Welcome to the web site of the St Helens and District Churches Bowling League.

Chairman                                     George Bishop

Treasurer                                     Ben Mallett

Secretary                                     No Details (INFOSEC)            Email :

Fixture & results Secretary             John Pye              Email :

Please contact Fixture secretary for information RE this Website Email :

Due to INFOSEC Rules Some players have requested their details are not shown on this web site.






Rule Change regarding when a team is short

Season Start Times

BCGBA Club Registration form

Rule Change regarding when a team is short

A player from the first three singles games can be nominated by the opposing captainto play again if a team is short of players.

The opposing captain must nominate a player who has not already played.

The opponents will be given a 5 chalks start and will be given the jack for the first end

Declaration of being a player short should be made at the point of doing the first four cards.

This ruling can only be used once in any one game. If a team is two or more players short the result for these additional missing players will be a walk over for the opponent.

Should the player selected be unwilling to play twice, that game will also be deemed a walk over.

A facility is included on the website for the player to be named as A Nother for his/her second game.

If both teams are short no additional games will be played and the missing players will be shown as absent

(Tuesday 8 October 2024)

Season Start Times

Unless the club has floodlights start times are as follows:-

April   6.00pm

May - July  6.30pm

August   6.15pm

September  6.00pm

Clubs with Floodlights are: Windle, Police, Unison All Saints, Unison Church and Lane Ends.For these clubs all start times are 6.30pm

(Wednesday 8 February 2023)

BCGBA Club Registration form

(Tuesday 23 March 2021)