Stockport Metro Indoor Bowling League

Past Winners

Laws of the Game
League Rules
Team Knockout Rules
Competition Rules

External Links:

Result Sheets:
Knockout RS
League Match Result Sheet

Competition Entry Forms:
SMIBL Competitions

Bowls Equipment for Sale:
Information Required
Bowls Wanted

Welcome to the Stockport Metro Indoor Bowling League

 Our aim is to promote the game of Short Mat Bowls in Stockport and the Surrounding Areas during the winter months.
Over 550 players participate, forming 46 Teams from 21 different clubs and are continuing to grow.
The league is open to all ages and all skill levels. Any team wishing to join the league should contact the league secretary.

President:  Mike Clancy
Chairman:  John Pajak
Vice Chairman:  Andrew Bebbington
Honorary Secretary:  Susan Banfield
Honorary Treasurer:  Paul Maffei
Fixture / Results and Registration Secretary:  Janice Wilson
Competition Secretary:  Angharad Brideaux
Stockport ‘A’ Team Captain: Angharad Brideaux
Stockport ‘B’ Team Captain: Elaine Sloane
County Delegate - Cheshire:  Adam Smith
County Delegate - Gtr Manchester: Dave Almond
Safeguarding Officer:  Clint Crowther
Website Officer:  Janice Wilson

Stockport Metro Home Team Venue:

Etherow Indoor Bowling Centre
Etherow Centre
Market Street
SK14 6AX


End Of Season Update!

More Information Regarding Mike Hannibal's Funeral

Mike Hannibal's Funeral

Sincere Condolences

DENTON CC Change of Venue

Over 60s Pairs -Etherow Centre 27th January

Competitions Secretary 2024/25 Season

SMIBL Rule B9a - Footwear


Change of Venue

SMIBL Competitions 2023/24 Season

Pre-Season Delegates Meeting 2023/24 Season

Stockport Metro Team Fixtures 2023 - 2024

League Sponsors

End Of Season Update!

Our season is drawing to an end.....

A couple of dates for your diary.

  • SMIBL Presentation Evening - Saturday 11th May 7.30pm at GMSSC.

         More details will be sent out towards the end of March of how to apply for tickets (£5 per person).

  • SMIBL AGM - Sunday 12th May 7.30pm at Bramhall Village Club.

         The Agenda and all other documentation will be sent out towards the end of April


The SMIBL K/O Finals Day was held yesterday (Sunday 3rd March) at Etherow IBC and was attended by over 100 people. It was a great day and there was some superb bowling from all 8 teams who took part in the 2 competitions - Bernie Fennell and Mike Biggs Team K/Os. Congratulations to all who took part - the results are on the website.


(Monday 4 March 2024)

More Information Regarding Mike Hannibal's Funeral

After Mike's funeral there will be a party/wake from around 4pm approximately, at Sacred Heart Parish Centre, Floatshall Road, Baguley, M23 1HP

If anyone is intending to go but hasn't informed Ann Hannibal yet, please let her know as soon as possible.

(Wednesday 21 February 2024)

Mike Hannibal's Funeral

Ann Hannibal wishes to thank everyone for all the kind words, cards and telephone calls, which are helping her to get through this very sad time.

Mike's funeral is to be on Wednesday 28th February, 3:00pm at Manchester Crematorium.

Following the ceremony, there is going to be a celebration of his life / party / wake, which Mike would have wanted.

Ann has said that if anyone wants to wear black that's fine, but to wear it with bright colours / red / United tops, or bowling shirts.

She has also asked that if anyone wishes to attend either or both of the above, to ring  or text her on 07771 789526 to let her know, as she needs to have numbers to arrange a suitable venue and for catering purposes.

The venue has yet to be arranged, so she needs to know numbers as soon as possible.

(Tuesday 13 February 2024)

Sincere Condolences

It is with great sadness that we learnt today (Monday 5th February) that Mike Hannibal has sadly passed away. There have been many tributes to Mike and all are in the same vein - Mike was quite simply 'a lovely guy' and he will be missed by all that knew him.

He played for Wythenshawe A in the SMIBL and also represented Stockport in the NESMBA. Our bowling community has lost a true gentleman and our thoughts are with his wife Ann and his family at this sad and difficult time.

Best Regards

SMIBL Committee

(Monday 5 February 2024)

DENTON CC Change of Venue

With immediate effect, Denton CC will play their Home Matches at:

Haughton Green Centre

Bakewell Avenue

Off Matlock Avenue (sign at start of Avenue)


M34 7NR

Denton Conservative Club has now closed - hence the venue change.

The matches will be played on Monday evenings - start 7.00pm

The venue finder shows a different postcode as the community centre is on the edge of them both.


(Tuesday 9 January 2024)

Over 60s Pairs -Etherow Centre 27th January

There are still some places available in the above competition which is sponsored by TPS.

This will be a great day and the first SMIBL competition to be held at the Etherow Centre in Broadbottom - it is a superb venue so make sure you get your application in asap.

Email John Cunningham

(Thursday 4 January 2024)

Competitions Secretary 2024/25 Season

Sadly our Competition Secretary, John Cunningham will be standing down at the AGM in May due to taking on more commitments in Crown Green Bowling. We would like to thank John for his work over the last 3 years. He has put excellent processes in place and will undertake a comprehensive handover to his successor.

Are you that successor? The role involves running the Team K/Os and the 4 SMIBL Competitions (singles, Pairs, Triples, Over 60s).

Ideally we would like to have someone in place by the end of January so they can shadow John for the remainder of the season.

For more information, please contact either Sue Banfield or John Cunningham by 15th January 2024.

(Thursday 4 January 2024)

SMIBL Rule B9a - Footwear

To All SMIBL PLayers

This is a reminder to ensure that all members are aware of Rule B9a

B9a - All bowlers to change into smooth, flat soled footwear at the venue. No patterned soles or outdoor shoes. (Bare feet or stocking feet not acceptable). Anyone not adhering to this rule can be refused permission to play by the home captain unless they comply.

(Friday 27 October 2023)


The draws for both Knockout competitions are now posted on the website.

Can all Secretaries please check the venue bookings, which may be different to the provisional bookings we requested due to withdrawals of teams from the competition.

If there is a problem with any venue please let John Cunningham know asap.

Thank you.

(Friday 29 September 2023)

Change of Venue

With apologies for lateness of notice, Hazel Grove A and B will be moving to a new venue with immediate effect.
The address is:
The Scout Hut

Fir Road
Situated directly opposite The Ladybrook Pub. There is a small car park and a lay by outside. For information only. Please do not park in the Ladybrook car park you may be fined.
All other Hazel Grove details of dates and times remain the same.

(Wednesday 20 September 2023)

SMIBL Competitions 2023/24 Season

Entries are now being taken for the following Competitions:

Singles               Saturday 28th October 2023

Pairs                   Saturday 18th November 2023

Triples                 Saturday 9th December 2023

Over 60s Pairs     Saturday 27th January 2024

Details of how to enter can be found by following 'SMIBL Competitions' link on the SMIBL Home Page.

(Saturday 2 September 2023)

Pre-Season Delegates Meeting 2023/24 Season

This will be held at Bramhall Village Club, Lumb Lane, Bramhall SK7 2BA on Sunday 17th September at 7.30pm.
Kind Regards
SMIBL Committee

(Monday 10 July 2023)

Stockport Metro Team Fixtures 2023 - 2024

Stockport Metro has two teams in the NESMBA in which they will play against various Counties in Northern England.
The full results for both teams can be found on the official NESMBA WEBSITE.


Sunday 8th October 2023
Stockport Metro A Shots 197 Points 14
North Yorkshire Tornados Shots 161 Points 26

Saturday 14th October 2023
North Yorkshire Tornados Shots 182 Points 29
Stockport Metro A Shots 141 Points 11

Sunday 15th October 2023
Stockport Metro A Shots 281 Points 29
Humberside A Shots 137 Points 11

Sunday 29th October 2023
Stockport Metro A Shots 217 Points 21
West Yorkshire A Shots 157 Points 13

Sunday 12th November 2023
Humberside A Shots 138 Points 7
Stockport Metro A Shots 212 Points 33

Sunday 3rd December 2023
Stockport Metro A Shots 242 Points 29
Staffordshire Shots 136 Points 11

Sunday 17th December 2023
Stockport Metro B Shots 109 Points 2
Stockport Metro A Shots 237 points 38

Sunday 21st January 2024
West Yorkshire A Shots 173 Points 21
Stockport Metro A Shots 164 Points 19

Sunday 4th February 2024
Stockport Metro A Shots 211 Points 28
Stockport Metro B Shots 135 Points 12

Sunday 18th February 2024
Staffordshire Shots 177 Points 20
Stockport Metro A Shots 177 Points 20


Sunday 22nd October 2023
North Yorkshire Tornados Shots 243 Points 36
Stockport Metro B Shots 130 Points 4

Sunday 12th November 2023

Stockport Metro B Shots 154 Points 17
North Yorkshire Tornados Shots 202 Points 23

Sunday 19th November 2023
Staffordshire Shots 224 Points 34
Stockport Metro B Shots 119 Points 6

Sunday 3rd December 2023

Humberside A Shots 196 Points 23
Stockport Metro B Shots 160 Points 17

Sunday 17th December 2023

Stockport Metro B Shots 109 Points 2
Stockport Metro A Shots 237 Points 38

Sunday 21st January 2024

Stockport Metro B Shots 130 Points 9
Staffordshire Shots 227 Points 31

Sunday 28th January 2024

Stockport Metro B Shots 172 Points 18
West Yorkshire A Shots 190 Points 22

Sunday 4th February 2024

Stockport Metro A Shots 211 Points 28
Stockport Metro B Shots 135 Points 12

Sunday 18th February 2024

Stockport Metro B Shots 160 Points 13
Humberside A Shots 193 Points 27

Sunday 25th February 2024

West Yorkshire A Shots 230 Points 30
Stockport Metro B Shots 148 Points 10

(Sunday 9 July 2023)

League Sponsors

J L S  C o m p u t e r  S e r v i c e s

Techniheat Plant Services Ltd.


(Sunday 24 November 2013)